Chapter 15

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I finished tying my hair up in a ponytail and then sprayed some sunscreen on my arms.

"Hey, are you ready to go?" Conrad asks knocking on my door and leaning against the frame.

"Yeah I just have to find my phone" I say.

"Here" he says picking it up from my dresser.

"Uhm are you going over with Jeremiah, Belly and Steven or are you going over with Susannah and my mom?" I ask checking my pockets again.

"I was actually thinking we could go over together" he says "you know, if you'd like to"

"Uh yeah that should be fine. We can take my car if you'd like" I say.

"Yeah that's fine" he says.

We head out to the car and he drives. It's peaceful because it's so early in the morning.

Once we arrive we start to get set up and ready for announcements. I stretch standing next to Conrad who's doing the same thing.

"Who do we play first?" I ask pointing at the list next to him.

"Uh Jeremiah and Belly actually" he laughs and I do too.

"We got this" I say stretching one last time.

"Yes we do" he high fives me as we head to the court.

The match starts a few moments later. Belly was just as aggressive as I was. We both played volleyball at school. However, I had the better partner.

I hit the ball over the net at Jeremiah. He barley could set the ball, never mind get it over.

The game continues with Conrad and I dominating.

I dive for a ball and Conrad hits it over the net getting us another point.

"TIME OUT!" Belly calls as Conrad and I score again making it a 5-11 game.

I walk over to Conrad panting heavily.

"You good?" He takes a sip of water then hands it to me.

"Fine" I say. "Yourself?"

He wipes some dirt from my face.

"All good. Let's win this bitch" he says as Belly calls a time in.

The game continues on for another 20 minutes.

I spike the ball over the net one last time. Conrad and I win.

"WE DID IT!" I scream running over to him. He picks me up spinning me around.

"I'm so proud of you" he says hugging me.

"Hey! You're part of this team too!" I say and he laughs.

We go and grab something to eat while we wait for the scoring to begin and see who we're playing next.

"Good game" Jeremiah says coming to sit down with us.

"Good game. Where's my sister?" I ask.

"Pouting" he laughs "nah, I think she went too freshen up"

"Oh alright" I say. "You played well"

"Thanks" he smiles.

"Well my lady and brother good luck in your next games" Jeremiah says getting up "I'll be cheering you on from the sidelines"

He kisses my cheek before he walks off. I feel Conrad's stare burn through him.


Conrad and I won the next two games and we were now in the championship game.

We were standing on the court waiting for our competition to arrive.

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