Chapter 1

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There was a large smile on my face as I pulled up to the Cousins beach house on June 1st. I had just gotten out of school yesterday and drove up early this morning.

Steven, Mom and Belly had left yesterday since they didn't have finals an extra day like I did (I took an extra classes in school).

I hit the car horn twice then switched off the car unbuckling my seatbelt. I hopped out popping the trunk.

I watched as Jeremiah ran outside followed by Susannah, my mom and Belly.

Jeremiah came up to me first picking me up and twirling me around.

I kissed his cheek as he set me down.

"You look great, how have you been?" He asked smiling at me.

"Just fine, you?" I smile back at him.

Jeremiah was basically a Greek God. Every part about him was perfectly sculpted.

"I'm great! Once you get settled wanna head out for some ice cream?" He asked rubbing my shoulder slightly.

"That sounds great" I smile at him.

"Oh honey you look beautiful! So grown up!" Susannah says coming up to hug me.

I've always admired her, she had such a warm energy.

"Aww thank you. You look amazing as well" I say holding her tightly.

Once she releases I grab my bag and bring it into the house.

"Hey mom, belly" I say hugging them.

"How was the drive up here?" My mom asks.

"Good. Definitely didn't miss the lyrics of every song being screamed in my ear" I laugh making a face at belly who sticks out her tongue.

"I'm gonna go set my stuff in my room. Jere wanted to get ice cream once I was settled" I say heading up the flight of stairs.

Once I get upstairs I walk down the hallway and into the room across from Conrad's. Where was Conrad?

"Hey uhm where's Conrad? And uh Steven?" I call down the stairs.

"They went to the store to pick some stuff up for dinner. Should be home any minute now!" Susannah calls up.

"Oh alright, thank you!" I say.

I start unpacking, getting things set up as I would be spending the rest of my summer here.

I fixed my hair in the mirror and grabbed my phone ready to head out.

There was a knock on the door and a sweet voice behind it.

"Psss let me in! Let me innn!"

I giggled as I ran to open the door being met with Conrad. The smile on his face was large as he pulled me in for a hug, rubbing my back and twisting my hair between his fingers.

"Since when were you a blonde?" He asks.

"Since about two months ago. Like it? I thought it gave summer" I say. I had gotten blonde highlights all over my brown hair which lightened it up significantly. I loved them, I thought they made me look amazing.

"Yeah yeah it's pretty. It just makes you look so different, like mature" he said stepping into the room.

"I hope it does. I'm not 10 anymore" I say.

"Never said you were" he picked up my stuffed monkey laying on the bed "although.."

I laughed at him. "Hey beans has done nothing wrong"

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