Chapter 3

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It was late evening the next day. Jeremiah and Y/N had been inseparable all day, laying down in Jeremiah's room currently watching some kind of movie. Belly was on the couch and I was laying in my room contemplating about yesterday night.

Okay so maybe I did tell mom that Jeremiah needed his laundry immediately because I couldn't bare the thought of Jeremiah getting with her, not after that glance he shot me in the hallway. Almost like a "you wish this was you" glance or a "I won".

She had caught me earlier yesterday morning with some girl from the beach. She didn't mean anything to me but using her to make Y/N jealous may be worth it. I saw the look on her face, she was jealous.

Even after mom went back downstairs and I moved away from the doorframe they closed the door again. You're kidding. I blocked it out of my mind for now. I needed a drink.

I shook my head heading downstairs into the kitchen where Steven was.

"Bro, do you maybe wanna head to a party or something? I think Jakes having one" I say.

"Uh sure. We just can't stay too late you know? I've got work in the morning and so does Jere." Steven says getting out of his seat to stretch.

"Who says Jere is coming?" I say rudely and Steven looks at me.

"Why wouldn't he?" He asks

"I don't know he seemed pretty busy with your sister before" I say half rolling my eyes.

"I'll just go grab him. Maybe she'll want to come too" Steven shrugs his shoulders.

"No, guys only" I say sternly.

"Dude what is your deal? Y/N hasn't done anything wrong, it's only like her third day here stop being such a dick" Steven grabs his car keys running up the stairs. I no longer wanted to party.

Jeremiah came down a few minutes later with Steven, his hair messy and visible hickey on his neck. I was jealous.

I sighed. "Your girlfriend doesn't wanna come?"

"Steven said guys only" he shrugged "I've always respected that rule"

I rolled my shoulders and went towards the car outside followed by Jere and Steven.

Once we arrived at the party I chugged a beer. I needed to find someone to help me forget.


As soon as the guys left I ran downstairs to find Belly on the couch.

"Do you wanna go to a party?" I asked.

"Uhm yes of course! I'd just have to get ready" she says.

"Me too" I say.

So the guys wanted a "guys night" who said the girls couldn't have one that just happen to be at the same party.

Once we were all dressed up I drove us there, parking across the street from Jeremiah's red Jeep.

My dress was so short I had to keep pulling it down while Belly's showed off more cleavage then our mom ever would have allowed.

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