Wrong Place, Wrong Time

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Since our last adventure, Lloyd has grown stronger. It had taken a bit for Lloyd to get used to his larger body, now being nearly a head taller than before. In the Bounty, Sensei stands off to the side, Nya approaching his side with a watermelon. He hasn't said anything about our newly colored hair, but he didn't seem upset about it either.

Lloyd sits in the middle of the room, eyes closed and hands in a meditating potion. He focuses his breaths as the others and I surround him with our weapons raised.

"Your new body is a fighting instrument," Sensei instructs, "Listen to it."

Cole is the first to attack, raising his scythe. In one fluid motion, Lloyd rises. Using his hand on the floor for support, he kicks back the scythe. Before Cole hits the floor, Jay swings his nunchucks. Lloyd catches the end and throws the Blue Ninja across the room. Then jumps through the air to avoid the two silver shurikens that Zane threw.

Seeing my chance, I go to attack. Only for Lloyd to drop to the ground, out of my reach. In one quick motion, he swipes his leg and knocks into mine, causing me to topple over. With a small groan, I slowly sit up, Cole and Jay still sprawled out on the floor in defeat.

"Since he's grown, he's learning faster, Sensei," Nya tells the old man next to her. Zane's shurikens lodged into the watermelon she was carrying. He's gonna get in so much trouble for that later.

"But will it be enough to challenge Lord Garmadon?" Sensei counters, his eyes never leaving his nephew, "Only time will tell."

The sound of a sword being pulled out of its sheath gains everyone's attention. Kai throws the scabbard on the floor and brandishes the blade at the Green Ninja.

With a shout, Lloyd manages to grab the tip of the blade between his hands. Unable to move, Kai uses both hands to try and push the blade but it won't budge. Green energy forms in Lloyd's hands, the entire room filled with the green glow.

Suddenly Kai pulls the blade back. Taken off guard, Lloyd slips and falls to the floor, the green energy disappearing.

"You're getting pretty good," Kai chuckles, offering a hand to the now older boy, "but that move you fell for was basic 101."

Taking his hand, Kai helps him to his feet. Lloyd brushes back the green ends of his longer hair from his face, his eyes cast towards the floor. "Yeah, if I had focused more when I was little, I would've seen that coming," he says, a twinge of sadness lacing his words.

My heart breaks at his words. Apparently it was obvious because as soon as the words left his mouth, his expression immediately changed. "It's not all bad though," Lloyd all but blurts out, "I like being tall," he then stares directly over where Jay is still laying on the floor, "I can see over all the stupid."

All of us burst out laughing. Even though his body is now older, it's nice to see that he's still the same Lloyd. "Oh, ha ha," Jay grumbles at the joke, crossing his arms, "Grow up, Lloyd." As soon as the words left his mouth the laughter stopped and Lloyd's face fills with sadness, mine on the other hand fills with rage. "Oh...I-I didn't mean it like that," Jay stumbles, regret clear on his face, only for it to be quickly changed to fear as he shrinks under my furious glare.

"We cannot change the past, but we can improve for the future," Sensei cuts in, before something bad happens. He then turns towards Lloyd with a more stern voice, "Again, and this time, do not hold back."

Suddenly, the familiar squawks of the Falcon come from outside. Darting to the single small window, the familiar dark bird flies through the white clouds.

Wordlessly, we all run upstairs and to the bridge. Zane breaks away and meets the Falcon on the deck. "The Falcon has returned with troubling news," Zane says, entering the bridge with said bird on his arm.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2023 ⏰

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