Never Trust A Snake

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Sunlight shines through the blinds, signaling the start of another day. Getting up I feel more refreshed than I have in a while. This was the first time that I'd managed to sleep the whole night without a nightmare. Or I guess a vision. 

While the others struggle to get out of bed I hop up, full of energy. Soon they're up and we're all making our beds. Glancing around I notice the lack of a certain Ice Ninja.

"Where's Zane?"

"Still asleep," Cole says, nodding his head to our passed-out friend, "He's really out of it." 

Glancing over, Zane was still in bed, buried under his blanket, only something was off. Since sharing a room, I have noticed how the others differ in their sleeping habits. 

For instance, Cole snores, quite loudly sometimes, and Jay will toss and turn, unable to sit still even while completely asleep. Zane on the other hand, always slept completely still. He'd rarely make a noise, sometimes you could almost forget that he was there. That's why him tossing and turning right now is somewhat alarming. 

Discarding my bunk, I cross the room towards my sleeping friend. "It looks like he's having a nightmare," I mumble. Stopping by his side, I reach a hand out to, as gently as I can, wake him up.

A hair before I reach his shoulder his eyes open and bolts up. Startled by the sudden action, I let out a yelp as I stumble back and onto the floor.

Wincing slightly at the dull ache, I look up at the newly awakened ninja. His bright blue eyes are scanning the room, trying to make sense of his surroundings.

"Oh, sleeping in," Jay teases, a playful grin etched onto his face, "You're gonna be late for training."

"Oh," Zane says simply. The realization of where he is washing over him and allowing him to calm down. After a moment, he looks back to us, "How come no one awakened me?"

"Yue tried," Kai explains from somewhere behind me, though I can tell he's smiling, "You looked like you were having some dream," he continues while I feel his hands scoop under my arms and help pull me to my feet.

Zane looks around the room again, this time slower and more skeptically, "How do I know this isn't a dream—" he's cut off as Cole chucks a pillow, hitting the Ice Ninja square in the face.

"Does that feel like a dream?"

"No," Zane says sarcastically, getting up and shooting a small glare of the Earth Ninja, "Thank you for your help." We chuckle at his response.

I grab my gi and head into the attached bathroom while the boys change in the bigger room. Since losing the monastery, there is only so much privacy you can get on a ship. It's not all bad though, we've all definitely become closer.

Once dressed, I open the door so the others can use the space too. Grabbing a brush, I comb my hair and pull it into my usual ponytail, leaving a few pieces to frame my face.

With everyone dressed and ready for the day, we head out the room. With morning exercise about to start, we make our way up deck, five sets of footprints softly padding against the wooden floor.

"Hehe. Little slow today, huh?" Kai says to Zane, looking back at him. He's been lagging behind the group since we've left the room, usually he's closer to the front. "What exactly did you dream about?"

Coming out from the ship and onto the deck, the early morning sun shines down on us. "I saw the Falcon again," Zane tells us simply, like we had just asked him his favorite color.

"Whoa. Zane," Jay says, jumping in front of the group and stopping us in our tracks, "every time you see that bird, something big happens." Cole, Kai, and I nod in agreement as Zane passes by jay. "First, it led you to the secret tree house," the Blue Ninja continues, undeterred.

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