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After exploring our new home, we all settle into our rooms for the night. One room has three bunk beds so us ninja are all bunking together. Kai and Zane in one, Cole and Jay in another, and I have the last one to myself.

As we brush off the sand from the sheets, Jay has also been filling Zane in on everything he's missed in the few hours he was gone.

"And it turns out that Yue can see the future!" Jay finishes, oblivious to everyone's growing headaches, "But enough about that lets-"

Jay is quickly cut off as I chuck a pillow, hitting him square in the face. Before I can enjoy quiet, Jay quickly scoops up the discarded pillow. I jump out of the way as he tries to wing at me.

 Unable to stop his swing in time Jay hits Cole instead. The color drains from the Blue Ninja's face as Cole towers over him, his own pillow in hand.

"Pillow fight!" we all scream.

Grabbing a pillow, I spot Zane standing there confused. Running over I hit him gently on the shoulder, but he only looks back at me confused.

"Come on, Zane!" I encourage, and slowly he picks up his own pillow. Giving him a nod, I gesture to Cole, who was busy chasing a frantic Jay and Kai. 

Calmly, Zane walks over, none of them noticing the White Ninja in their frenzy. That is until he smacks Cole directly in the head, almost knocking the Black Ninja over.

"Ha, that's what you-" Kai laughs, but is cut off as a pillow hits him square in the face. Grabbing the pillow I threw; he looks at me. I quickly realize my mistake as he starts to chase after me.

"Oh no, oh no," I try to make a run for it but get stopped. Cole blocks my path, his own pillow in hand. Turning I see Kai approaching behind me.

"Get her, Cole!" Jay shouts, coming from out of nowhere. As Cole goes to take a swing, I quickly drop to the ground. Leaving an unassuming Red Ninja to get hit in my place. Not prepared for the hit he stumbles into Jay. Both of them crash to the ground alongside me.

We all burst out laughing and continue to goof around well into the night. Eventually we all passed out into our bunks. Jay and Kai in the tops, Cole, Zane, and I in the bottoms.

"Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you!" Father yells, banging a cymbal as he enters the room. All of us let out groans, hiding under our blankets and pillows, "In order to reach your full potential, we must greet each day as an opportunity."

Yawning, I sit up and rub the sleep from my eyes. Normally getting up early isn't a problem for me but, we stayed up way too late last night goofing off.

"Okay, okay, we're up," Kai groans, walking over to the window, the blinds breaking, "But if you want us to reach full potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?"

"You call that a rest?" Cole asks, stretching his back, "I think my back had more lumps than the mattress."

"We were up so late, talking about how cool it is to have a new headquarters, I guess we lost track of time," Jay explains, turning on the sink and failing to notice the sand falling on his toothbrush, "Since the Serpentine  burned down our monastery, I'm just glad we have a roof over our head-" He stops, gagging with a mouth full of dirt.

"What is our lesson today, Sensei?" Zane asks excitedly, "Mastering the strike of the Scorpion? Or perhaps the grace of-" He's cut off as he falls through the floorboards, coughing at the dust.

"I think today's lesson would be: chores," Father responds to Zane's questions, nonchalantly.

"Chores?" we all shout confused.

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