35. 서른다섯

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It was around 8 at night when three figures were seen walking on the campus streets. Two of them were common, as they were seen together more than often, but the third one, the new inclusion had his own reasons to tag along. Kim Jiwoong, Seok Matthew and Kim Taerae- the guys of interest were all heading towards Jiwoong's place. The small break was almost over, it was Matthew's last opportunity to spend time with his boyfriend before the other wave of exam stress washed him over. But Taerae, he tagged along to surprise and comfort a certain resident of the place, upon hearing that the other was on the verge of depression.

"So the selection is only a month away?" Taerae asked again. He heard from Ricky that they got busier than ever because the debut members selection would be done after a series of evaluations, probably through a survival show. Who would get to participate was yet to be announced. It was kinda certain that both Gyuvin and Yujin would make it, but Ricky was worried about himself. He believed that his skills were not as good as the other two.

"That's what we heard." Jiwoong answered, "Nothing's confirmed yet."

"They must be nervous as hell." Taerae mumbled. Matthew gave him a nod, "I wish all of them can make it, at least to the show. People will love them for sure."

"You're right." Taerae said, "All three of them are handsome and charming. There's no way people won't vote for them."

"Imagine they all got to debut in one team?" Jiwoong said, "I'll be the happiest hyung then."

"Me too." Matthew smiled, cutely looking at his boyfriend. Jiwoong pulled him close, but that didn't seem odd to Taerae. He laughed at their interaction; Matthew knew better that it was not out of mockery, it was just in his friend's nature to laugh at about everything.

They reached Jiwoong's place soon. Earlier, Taerae made sure that Ricky was there. So when he saw the blonde male on the other side of the door, exhaustion replaced with astonishment, he felt a surge of sympathy run through him. Ricky's eyes glittered.

"Hey." He greeted Taerae, smiling like a little kid. Jiwoong made a brief, knowing eye contact with Matthew.

"Is Gyu home?" Jiwoong asked, Ricky replied in the negative, "Yujin was a little tired so Gyuvin went to send him home. Probably staying the night there."

"Hmm..." Jiwoong said, "Already getting along with in-laws."

The other males cracked smiles at his joke. They went in, Ricky immediately took his stand by Taerae's side. Like a responsible big brother, Jiwoong asked if he had eaten anything. The reply came as expected, he did not. So for the next hour, all four of them got busy preparing dinner. Ricky didn't have much to do, neither Taerae because the other two were more familiar with their ways in the kitchen. Besides, who would wanna get in between and be hopelessly third wheeling? Instead, they prepared the dining table and talked randomly. Tearae didn't bring up the show yet, so it was peaceful and distracting. They talked mostly about how Taerae's exams went, what his plan was for the vacation- which obviously was for him to go back home. He'd also buy a new guitar and if possible, teach Ricky how to play.

They had a healthy yet delicious dinner prepared by the eldest two. Then they conversed a little more and finally, broke the gathering. Jiwoong and Matthew went in one direction, leaving Ricky to take Taerae to his room. Gyuvin's room was empty, so was his bed, but none of them cared to look that way. They already slept next to each other, it was unofficially confirmed that they'd do it again.

But before anything, Taerae called Ricky to sit beside him as he took his spot on the bed. The younger obeyed, and waited curiously. Taerae took his time to put a hand on Ricky's left knee, "You wanna talk about yourself?"

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