19. 열아홉

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Zhang Hao's voice rang in Hanbin's ear in a perpetual manner, the hint of ridicule in the form of an interrogation was clear to him. As if the whole incident wasn't an issue at all! As if, it's meant for good.

"So??" He asked in the same tone, with some additional mockery, "Do you even understand what's gonna happen?"

"If things work out, they're gonna be happy together." Zhang Hao said.

"There a huge if, Hao hyung!" Hanbin said back, his tone grim and scary.

"Hanbin ah, Matthew's an adult. He definitely thought things through. And even if things don't work out, I believe they can call whatever they have off." Zhang Hao stayed calm while saying. However, he didn't see any change in Hanbin's expression who stayed as worried and pissed as he was before.

"That fucking bastard tricked my Matthew!" Hanbin groaned while saying. The way he said it didn't impress Hao, but he didn't hold onto that. Instead, he asked, "How do you know that? Maybe he really likes Matthew?"

"Hyung! Haven't you heard what people say about him??"

"And??" Hao frowned, "People talk about a lot of things but are they all true? Besides, do you even know this Jiwoong guy personally?" Hanbin didn't answer, so Hao continued, "Bin ah, you're sensible enough not to judge someone from groundless rumours. If you wanna make sure Matthew's safe with him, then let's get to know the Jiwoong guy first. We can't draw conclusion about someone without even talking to him, right?"

"Get to know him?" Hanbin scoffed, "Bet he's gonna trick us with deception too."

Zhang Hao was actually irritated at Hanbin's paranoid thoughts. However, he held the younger's elbow, and gave it a pull, "Alright, we can deal with it later. Let's go for swimming now and then we can visit the local market-"

"Hyung, I wanna be alone now." Hanbin said, not exactly in a rude tone but it was not a gentle or a requesting one either. Zhang Hao frowned, with a hint of sorrow on his face.

"Binnie, it's our first trip together."

"I know, but do you think I can help it if I'm not in the mood for anything else??" Hanbin said.

"I don't understand, just because Matthew has got together with someone, you're ignoring me and ruining our trip-"

"Why are you thinking about yourself now??" Hanbin asked, "I know you don't like Matthew, but if he's about to get hurt, shouldn't you at least be worried about him?"

"Yes I would, if he were actually at risk!" Zhang Hao snapped, "But you know what? The problem is not Matthew, not Jiwoong, the problem is you! You can't take it that someone else has seen something in Matthew. And why is that? Are you sure your and his closeness was normal??" Hao laughed in a bitter way, "Yes I don't like him because I knew he looks at you differently. But you too?? Are you sure you wouldn't have reacted this way if it was someone other than Jiwoong??"

"You're over compliancating things, Hao hyung. That's why I didn't wanna tell you anything-"

"No I'm the one who's right actually." Zhang Hao said. He had long raised his voice, Hanbin too. Anyone standing close to them would probably hear their entire conversation but it was a scorching hot noon so there was barely anyone. Lucky them. Hao said, "Why did you drag me in your life when you had him all along?? Why did you come here with me if you spend the entire day thinking about him and his new boyfriend, like- it hurts me, Hanbin." Zhang Hao's voice broke. Although Hanbin noticed, he did nothing to stop it. In fact, his own mind was quite fucked up.

"Hao hyung, please, let's talk about it later. Give me some time to think about it." Hanbin said, sounding equally as desperate. Hao nodded, "Sure. I'll leave you alone. I shouldn't have brought us here in the first place!" He was angry and sad. He left after waiting for any protest from the other but Hanbin stayed silent. He once thought about stopping Hao, but his limbs were frozen at place. He couldn't stop fighting with the burning fire in his heart every time he thought about the way Jiwoong's hand rested on Matthew's waist, or how smiley and giddy Matthew looked. He wanted to scream so bad but he couldn't. He looked at where Zhang Hao had gone. All the accusations the Chinese guy threw at him clouded his brain even more. It hurt his head. His eyes. His face. He sat down on the hot sand, not even caring about the burning sun. He hid his face in his knees, praying to God that he found an answer.

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