20. 스물

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When Matthew entered into his room after two whole days, even spending the nights away, his roommate had definitely prepared to tease the hell out of him. And the fact that he had just gotten into a relationship added more to the reason.

"Look at my not so single friend walking in the room!" Taerae announced to the invisible audience in his room. Matthew had a stupid yet shy smile on his face. In a playful tone, he whined, "Ahh, how did you know??"

"You shared the story for the whole world to see!" Taerae raised a brow, "How does it feel to have such a hot boyfriend?"

"Aish! Taerae!" Matthew walked to his bed. Laughing at his friend's 'misery', Taerae went to sit by him. Once Matthew dropped his bag, he joined his roommate.

"You're gonna have to tell me everything." Taerae winked, "Well, you can skip those parts if you want, you know."

"We didn't do anything." Matthew chuckled, "And there's nothing much to tell, actually. It's just..." He smiled again. Taerae wiggled his brows, even shook Matthew by his arms, "Tell meeee I'm curious!"

"Okay okay!" Matthew said, then after shying out, giggling at times, even blushing, he shared the story of a magical night and so many beat skips. Even saying them out loud took him to the beautiful moment when he kissed the man he slowly fell for. Taerae squealed like a teenager, hit Matthew when the story went a little deeper than he expected. In the end, he exclaimed with a "Whoa! Matthew! I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks man." Matthew genuinely said, at this point his face was bright red again, "I hope I can be with him for a long time."

"You will." Taerae patted his shoulder, "After everything, I believe it's your time to be happy."

Matthew couldn't but give his roomie a warm hug after hearing those words. Taerae might look unbothered, innocent and even cheeky at times, but he is, in fact a wonderful human being. Matthew wished the best for him.

"Okay, so much about me, now tell me about yourself." Matthew asked, "While I was gone, have you been texting someone?"

"Well..." Taerae tried to avoid Matthew's gaze but the latter had keen eyes and he had a strong hunch that someone had been at work diligently. So he poked his friend, "Hm? Is it the Instagram hottie??"

"We had been talking." Taerae admitted, "Almost everyday."

"And? Did he flirt with you?"

"Well, kind of... He sends me selfies and all."

"Already?" Matthew gasped, "Damn! Ricky's fast!"

Taerae chuckled, "You know what's funny? He kinda teased one of my friends in the comments under one of my posts."


"Yeah, let me show you, wait." Taerae opened his phone, Ricky had actually replied to someone's comment on Taerae's post, a normal selfie. Matthew was not surprised to find that it was the same 'Park Gunwook' Ricky had mentioned. This Gunwook guy had praised how Taerae looked with 'Pretty bae', so Ricky replied with, 'Kim Taerae seems to be pretty for specific people only'.

"Oh my-" Matthew was stunned at how bold and direct the comment was. Taerae, however, didn't look as concerned, "Gunwookie asked me about him, I said not to respond to it."

"I guess he was jealous." Matthew said, "Didn't like how someone else called you 'bae' maybe."

"That's funny cause Gunwook's my friend." Taerae chuckled. He stared at the comment as if it would come to life and talk to him. Obviously, he liked the idea of Ricky being jealous over him. Matthew smiled. He wished that they actually end up together.

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