7. 일곱

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"Can I join you for breakfast?" Matthew asked Taerae first thing in the morning. Last night, he got a text from Hanbin at around 9. He purposefully delayed replying and once he did, Hanbin was probably in bed. Matthew wanted to avoid his hyung in the morning as well.

"Yeah, sure. But- you never agreed when I asked before. What made you change your mind?" Taerae asked. Matthew shrugged in reply, at which the other male chuckled. They goy dressed and left the room a few minutes later.

Taerae met with his friends at one corner of the cafeteria, opposite from where Matthew usually sits. As expected, there was Park Hanbin, Taerae's bestie. But along with him sat another classmate Matthew knew from the first day, Cha Woongki. The latter cheered upon seeing Matthew, "Finally! The MVP decided to join the pretty gang!"

Matthew laughed at his words. He pulled a chair and sat by Taerae's side.

"Matthew! What's up with Hanbin hyung? I saw his story yesterday- with Hao hyung! Are they together?" Woongki asked immediately. Matthew felt uncomfortable, which his roommate understood. Taerae gestured at Woongki not to ask about the said man. Although bummed, Woongki listened.

"Kay, fine! So, Matthew, what's the tea?" He asked instead, "Anyone in your mind?"

Matthew faked a smile in reply. He looked at Hanbin for help. He really didn't wanna talk about his love interest at that moment. Coughing, Hanbin changed the topic, which went from Woongki's nth crush to Taerae's hopeless fashion to Hanbin's girlfriend and whatnot. Matthew had fun. Apart from the sudden light pinches in his heart, he was okay.

"Guys! Look! There!" Woongki suddenly said, pointing across from their table, "Like I told you, he's probably the sexiest guy in our uni."

Matthew saw whom Woongki meant, and his eyes widened immediately, "Jiwoonie hyung??"

Woongki snapped his head at the Canadian, "You know him too?" Matthew nodded.

"Ahhh why do you know all the big guys here!?" Woongki whined. It made the three laugh a little.

"Why, what's he done?" Matthew asked, being silly.

"Nothing, really. But people tend to crush on sexy guys." Woongki winked, "How did you meet him though?"

"We go to the gym together." Matthew answered.

"Really!? You like to workout!?" Woongki stood up immediately, showed his stomach over the shirt, "Do you have abs!?"

Matthew grinned shyly. Well, he might not have the defined lines, but his stomach was firm. Watching him react like that, Taerae touched his arms, "Whoaaaa he really has those!"

"Show us!" Hanbin said. With reddish ears, Matthew lifted up his sleeves, to flex the biceps he grew all these years, "Guys, it's nothing..."

The three of them gasped in harmony, as they watched the cute Matthew being all buff in the arms. They exchanged glances, Taerae even went as far as to check his own stomach under his shirt.

"He's another you!" Woongki said, looking at Hanbin, "He has that too."

Hanbin smiled, agreeing to it. Matthew showed him a thumbs up.

"But, you guys can't beat him, can you?" He pointed at Jiwoong again, who had successfully gained a seat for himself amongst some of his other friends.

"Hey, Matthew?" Woongki called again, "Does he flirt with you too?" Matthew coughed out his food immediately, almost choking on what's left. Taerae offered him water, and a glare at Woongki.

"Come on! I'm just curious!" Said the sassy boy. Matthew calmed down after a while, "Ahh. Thank God." He looked at Woongki, a little offended this time, "Why did you ask that? He's a good guy."

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