Chapter 1 - Good news

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At first I wanted to make this story BBB, but with everything that happened recently I felt like VP would be enough, anyways I hope that you will enjoy this story.

Please leave a vote and/or comment, your feedback is always appreciated.

No beta reading, all mistakes are my own.


Pete woke up completely sweaty. "Shiaaa.. That was a weird dream." He hummed, wiping the tears from his eyes. "Babyyy, are you up?" He heard his mom shouting from downstairs. "Yeah.."

"Come down then. Breakfast is ready." Pete put his legs down and stood up. Turned on the computer to check if there is any update on the university application he sent a few weeks ago.

"Hey mom." Pete shouted from his room. "I got accepted to the university." With a loud scream his mom ran towards him and hugged him tightly. "I am so proud of you!"

He had breakfast with his mom only to find out that his dad was no longer around as he had to work on the hotel deal down the sea and god knows when he will be back, as he worked all day and night without any chance for a proper break.

"Does it mean you are leaving us soon, right?" 

"Well, I should go to Bangkok first and find myself a flat or apartment or small house, I definitely don't want to stay in the dormitory. They would eat me alive there." Pete said muffled as he had a mouth full of eggs and rice.

"The fact that you are gay or the fact that you come from a rich family?"

Pete honestly laughed, he never expected his parents to accept the fact that he liked boys.

"Both.. I would say."


"Peeete, please go and bring your father lunch, I believe that he is starving by now." Mom called Pete down, as he was locked inside his room almost the whole forenoon, looking for a place to live in Bangkok.

"Moooom, that's not fair. All the houses are either for rent or too ugly." The whining tone made his mom cringe. "Then check the dormitory and stop whining. I am not going to help you with it." Mom pushed packed lunch in his hands and gestured for him to go.

Pete walked through the not so busy streets of Chumphon, where his father owned half of those properties and was renting it out so cheap that people loved him.

There was not a day without any baked or homemade dish that people would bring them as a 'Thank you gift'.

He was so proud of his parents, his father tried to help the people of Chumphon as much as he could and mother was a teacher that helped to educate the future generation of Thailand. He even felt so pathetic that he wanted to be a musician. Pete promised to himself that he will stay true to himself no matter what will happen and no matter what life will bring him.

"Hey, Pete."

"Hi pa. Mom is sending you lunch."

"Thank you so much, I am starving so much. What's for lunch?"

"Oi, I don't know, she packed it and handed it to me."

"Do you want to eat with me?"

There was a moment of silence, as Pete kept thinking of how to tell his father about the school acceptance, that he completely missed the question.

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