Part 31

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"If you die. I'm dying with you" I say knowing I could not live without my brother again. He shakes his head but he knows I will follow him no matter what. 

With that, we walk our way towards our death. Funny how we've been avoiding it all these years just to end up in the same place. 

"Harry? Aria? No!" Hagrid shouts as we walk towards Voldemort. "What are you doing here?!" 
Both of us do not answer, the look on Hagrid's face says all we need to know. 

I look up and see Mattheo standing worriedly behind Bellatrix. He looks at me and shakes his head and I know exactly what he means but I can't bring myself to look at him because I know I'll do the selfish thing and live the rest of my life in misery. 

"Harry Potter. The boy who lived..." Voldemort started. "Come to die" 

He slowly raises his wand and I can tell he's taking delight in this moment. "Avara Kedvara" 

The green light blinds me and when my vision comes back Harry's no longer beside me but on the floor unmoving. 

A sob leaves my throat and I know I'm next. I patiently wait for the light to consume me but it never does. I look up and Voldemort has a sick smile on his face. 

"Kill me" I demand and their heads turn to me in an instant. A look of confusion appears on everyone's faces and it followed with a silence.

"Didn't you hear me?! I said kill me!" I shout and Voldemort looks back at his followers like this was an out of the ordinary request from someone before him. 

"Kill me like you killed my mother, father and brother. Do it" I cry out and tears make their way down my heartbroken face as I look to the only person I had left was on the floor frozen. I'd hoped he'd survive the curse twice but hope is a dangerous weapon. Hope left me hopeless. 

I hang on to Harry for dear life and a arm is brought around me and I know exactly who it is. 
"You have to leave Aria" He whispers into my ear while brushing away the tears that filled my cheeks.

"I can't. I don't want to live anymore Theo. Not without my brother" I cried into his shoulder and everything around me went into silence. 

"What are you doing boy?!" Voldemort shouts at his only son. "Move so I can end her pathetic misery" He sneers but Mattheo didn't move. He didn't even move a muscle. 

"No." He replied steadily and I look up and see a face of determination on Mattheo. 

"Don't tell me you like the girl" Voldemort's anger rose as he marched forward. 

"I don't like her father" He started. "I love her"

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