Part 24

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DAY 32

Today is the day I've concluded that Harry isn't coming to get me. No one is coming to get me. 

My cellmate was taken away yesterday, he hasn't returned. Meaning he won't return. They've been going easy on me so far, but what use just end the suffering now. Harry wouldn't and won't take the bait, he's not stupid enough. 

"Hey" A death eater growled through the bars and he passes a plate of "gloop" as I call it through the bars. At least they have the decency to feed me am I right? I haven't lost my humour yet but I sure will soon. This place is like a drain. I feel myself wasting away every second I spend here. 

"Dinner is served" He laughs as he spits onto the plate through the bars. Disgusting. He pushes the plate closer to me and I push it back. I'm not eating that shit.

"Princess doesn't want to eat her food." He laughs at me, pointing out a finger like he's twelve. 

"Fuck off" I choose violence and with that he walked back up the stairs that face my cell. This is depressing, how did I end up here rotting in a cell that stinks of mould? My life is seriously messed up at this point. Like I need anymore shit in my life.

"Psst" A voice whispers into my cell, but it didn't come from inside as no one else is here. 

"Aria!" The voice said, I must be going crazy. I knew it would happen eventually. I'll start seeing things and then I'll go insane and end up in an asylum or dead.  

"Hello voice I made up. How's life going for you?" I sarcastically say into the emptiness of my dark cold depressing cell. 

"Aria it's Mattheo" The voice says coldly, almost too real. Fuck him. 

"Well imaginary Mattheo, kindly fuck off." I say truthfully. I'm not that stupid, I know he's actually at the other side of the cell bars but I'll happily stay in here and die if it means not interacting with the asshole.

"Aria. I know you can hear me. Listen for a minute, that's all I ask" He is basically begging at this point.

"I choose not to listen to the bullshit that comes out of your mouth" I shrug calmly turning to face him. I wish I hadn't because I'm sure he looks a hell of a lot better than I do right now. I probably look half dead.

"I have a plan. A plan to get you out of here" 


HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS! I just want to thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful 2023! I'm going to try to update regularly and once a month cause at this point I want to finish this book lol. Next chapter should be out soon :)

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