Part 22

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Here I was, walking silently through the halls of Hogwarts in the hopes of getting a midnight snack. Breaking into the kitchen is so easy, they may as well just have a sign up saying "come on in". 

As I approached the kitchens, I heard the sound of shuffling in the darkness. 

"Who's there?" I called out but no answer of course, I'm imagining things again. I hate the dark, it has been an anxiety of mine since I was little. I don't know why of course but it's there. Haunting me in every step.

I slowly opened the door to the kitchen stepping inside when I know the coast is clear. I switched on the lamp in the corner, better safe than sorry and I head for the packet of mints on the table. I got no lunch or dinner, I was stuck on detention with Snape for being late to his class. Dickhead. 

I pocketed the mints and decided to get on my way. Didn't want to be caught up after curfew. 

I exited the room with haste, and that's when I felt the eyes on me. Crawling over me and around me. I'm not imagining this time, as I seen and heard black boots stomp from out of the darkness. I wasn't waiting around to see who this figure is, I simply didn't want to know. 

I ran as fast as I could, through the corridors of Hogwarts trying to get back to the safety of my Slytherin dorm room but once I made it back it all went dark as a bag was placed over my head. 


"That's it" I explained to my fellow cell mate. Muggle born of course, Voldemort wouldn't have it any other way. 

A little bit of explanation, I was kidnapped at 12.34 last night. By who, death eaters. I am scared to death? Absolutely. Will I show it? No, not at all. I would rather him kill me than see me frightened of his horrendous cult.

"But miss, how'd they get into Hogwarts?" Patrick my cell mate asked. He graduated Hogwarts last year, he's only 19 not much older than I am. 

"I wouldn't know" I say my head lowering a little bit. How'd I get myself into this mess? Maybe Harry was right about how it was dangerous to be near him. Maybe I should've listened. 


It's the second day of being trapped in this cage that surrounds me. No death eater or person has came to call for Voldemort. But I have a feeling they might soon.

They came for Patrick exactly twenty minutes ago and he hasn't returned. I haven't heard anything like screaming but I know I will. I just hope Harry or Dumbledore comes to get me before I'm sucked into insanity. 


I feel like I'm withering away. I haven't ate a proper meal in what it feels like weeks, all we get here is a tiny bowl of dried out rice. Leftovers no doubt. I'm trying to stay strong for Patrick, he's on the brink of losing it. They took him twice, they tortured him. They used spells that have been for long forbidden. 

His body aches, and I see no more smiles from him. 

It's a matter of time before it's me too. 

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