Part 13

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As they run at us I try to make an escape but to no avail, I see Draco Malfoy grab Hermione, Crabbe and Goyle grab Luna and Ron. 

What has Harry done this time?!

"Mattheo let me go!" I scream at him as he grabs my arm. 

"Sorry princess, can't do that" He whispers in my ear and all I can think about is how close he is to me. 

With that, he drags me down to Umbridge's office with the rest of Harry's crew. Gosh, this is so pathetic. 

Turns out, Harry's girlfriend lead them to the group. Kind of serves him right I guess. We enter Umbridge's office and her eyes immediately turn to me, we can all guess what is going to happen next. Is it possible she hates me more than Harry? 

"You were going to Dumbledore weren't you?" She walks up to me and asks. "No!" Harry shouts making her storm her way back to him. I flinch in Mattheo's arms as she hits my brother across the face instantly. "Liar" She spits out at him. 

Suddenly Snape is at the door, staring at the office in confusion. 

"You sent for me head mistress?" He asks bored, looking at the floor. "Snape yes!" Umbridge says. 

"The time has come for answers! Whether they want to give them to me or not!" She proudly says holding her head up high. "Have you brought the verataserum?"

"I'm afraid you've used up all of it, interrogating students. The last of it on Miss Chang" Snape announces looking around the room as he looks to Mattheo and I. Quickly he turns back to Umbridge. 

"Unless you want to poison him, and I assure you I would have the greatest sympathy if you did" He says almost sarcastically back to her. Snape turns to leave, but Harry suddenly speaks up basically shouting at the man. 

"He's got Padfoot, at the place where's it's hidden!" Padfoot? what? I have deep concerns about my dear brother. 

I try to move out of Mattheo's hands but he pulls me even closer. Dick. 

"Let me go" I whisper shout not hearing the rest of the conversation between Snape and Umbridge. 

"You know I can't do that, she'll punish you" He whispers back softly. God I hate him.

"You leave me with no choice Potter, a little alternative. The cruciatious curse will loosen you're tongue." Umbridge says calmly, making Hermione gasp loudly. "That's illegal"

"What Cornelius doesn't know won't hurt him." My eyes go wide with shock, is this woman sane? Well clearly not, we found that out ages ago. 

"Mattheo bring Aria over here!" She shouts at him but his grip on my arms get stronger. "Is that really necessary? She probably knows nothing, she's not the brightest witch" He says back to her and I roll my eyes. 

"You're an asshole, full blown-" I whisper but I'm interrupted by him hitting my shoulder to shut up. "Fine" Umbridge huffs in agreement. Am I really that stupid?!

"Tell her Harry!" Hermione shouts which makes Umbridge turn to her swiftly. "Tell me what?" 

"Well if you won't tell her I will!" She shouts again in desperation. "I'll tell her where it is"

"Where what is!" She says smiling at the girl.

 "Dumbledore's secret weapon"

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