Part 27

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Out of the blue I feel wet tears running down my cheeks and I let them. I've been trying at holding in all my anger and sadness but I'm done, I just let it out. 

There is going to be a war and frankly we all know it. A couple minutes later Mattheo is waiting for me in his bedroom.

"Come on, we have to hurry" He says grabbing my hand and suddenly I'm whirled into a abyss of blue. God I'm going to be sick. I tightly close my eyes and when I open them I'm staring into a very muscular chest. 

"Can you make your way back to Hogwarts from here?" He asks softly while pushing my hair out of my face. Butterflies. No that's not aloud. His father kidnapped me.

I simply nod and look around me to see that I'm outside the grounds of Hogwarts and I can see the bright lights from the castle shining but a cloud of darkness is cast around it. 

"Be careful and don't let any of the death eaters see you. You just have to get to Harry and warn him" Mattheo explains taking a step back from me. How on earth can I break into Hogwarts without anyone seeing me. 

"What is that?" I say when hundreds of clouds of black smoke are flying through the air towards Hogwarts. "Death eaters..." Mattheo whispers as the clouds head towards Hogwarts. 

Shit. We're too late. 

"Did you know that the attack was tonight?" I say still not fully trusting Mattheo. 

He shook his head, still watching the castle. We need to move right now. 

"I need to get to Harry" I say determined to get into Hogwarts. Mattheo and I walk up to the massive gates wondering how on earth we will get in if they are closed.

"Wait Ari" Mattheo pauses and suddenly I'm pulled closer to him, against his chest. I look up and he smashes his lips on to mine with passion. I kiss back even though I know we are on different sides of the war. Fuck the war. I wish this moment could last forever but I pull away when I hear a loud crash that shook the ground. 

A glowing blue circle now surrounds Hogwarts but the death eaters are trying their best to get through the barrier.

"Shit" Mattheo curses and he flinches at his left arm. "My father is calling me" He says.

"Go hide Aria, run far away from this mess please" He begs grabbing my hands from my sides. 

"I'm sorry Mattheo, I have to help my brother" and with that we go our separate ways straight into the warzone. 

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