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Myths and facts about rape and sexual assault

Dispelling the toxic, victim-blaming myths about sexual violence can help you start the healing process.

 MYTHS AND FACTS :Myth: You can spot a rapist by the way they look or act.

Fact: There's no surefire way to identify a rapist. Many appear completely normal, friendly, charming, and non-threatening.

Myth: If you didn't fight back, you must not have thought it was that bad.

Fact: During a sexual assault, it's extremely common to freeze. Your brain and body shuts down in shock, making it difficult to move, speak, or think.

Myth: People who are raped "ask for it" by the way they dress or act.

Fact: Rape is a crime of opportunity. Studies show that rapists choose victims based on their vulnerability, not on how sexy they appear or how flirtatious they are.

Myth: Date rape is often a misunderstanding.

Fact: Date rapists often defend themselves by claiming the assault was a drunken mistake or miscommunication. But research shows that the vast majority of date rapists are repeat offenders. These people target those who are vulnerable and often ply them with alcohol in order to rape them.

Myth: It's not rape if you've had sex with the person before.

Fact: Just because you've previously consented to sex with someone doesn't give them perpetual rights to your body. If your spouse, partner, or lover forces sex against your will, it's rape.

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