unspoken answers

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WARNING ⚠️: May not be suitable for young readers, contains vulgar language and sexual expressions, Thank you!


"Alright we've got business to catch up on, everyone knows their places so let's keep it in progress please". I watch as my guys leave and go out on their runs and keep our operations running smoothly.
(Phone rings); "Hello?" I wait and hear nothing but silent breathing and then a voice cracks through, "Tully you know me for keeping that fucking brat of yours in line all thoughs years while you were in the slammer and I want my cut of the deal and I wanted it now or Athena is as good as gone."
I stop thinking for a moment,"DANIEL? What do you want from me, I never asked you to keep my kid around and yet you did I for sure thought that you would have killed her the day I mentioned her." I was beyond pissed Daniel and I became partners in our indoor prison business back in Stockton penitentiary but Daniel rated me out and made it out free while I was in longer. "Fuck off Daniel, You ratted me out and made your break as easy as a junkie trying to get drugs off the pharmacy truck, so I don't owe you anything and you can leave my daughter our of your sights."
The phone slammed on the other end and when it was over I made a private call.


I pick up my phone,"Hello Jax, what do you need now Tully?" I waited for an answer, he said it was a private matter so I told no one except the other's who had to be told other than that it was up to us to keep Athena and River safe until Tully decided to come back and be part of his family again.
I got back to work because I'm doing club business however I put my ringer on just incase.

"So wat, we watch out for Athena and River nothin will happen on our time or even off." I'm not letting that prick make Athena's life hell again it's bad enough the poor girl's dad is Tully and AB shot caller. I hate that man to pieces but I respect him because his daughter is one of the best thinks I'd ever had the pleasure to save.
I'll just keep to myself and do my best to respect Athena's father,"How much longer do we have to expect this prick Daniel Graceland to try and harm our sweet goddess?" I speak looking at Jax and he just gives me a shake of the head like he doesn't know.

Back at Tully's place

I've been sitting here for hours waiting for this bastered and trying to stay in touch with Jax and his crew, I know I've been a shitty dad and a bad person my whole life but the best thing I got from my life was Athena, before her was her mother but she's gone now and now I have other choices to make. Athena and River are the only thing on my mind lately and I wanna be a family man but there is so much left unsaid to my sweet girl, I wanna be there for River but is giving up my business wotlrth all that?

Phone call: "Hey Athena it's dad and I just wanted to tell you something important really quick."

A: "Yeah what is it dad I'm a bit busy giving River her bath but I can talk so what's up?"

T: "Athena it's my fault you got stuck with Daniel Graceland, I was stupid when I was in Stockton and he's a dirty rat who screwed me over; I'm sorry sweetheart. "

A: "Honestly dad is okay, just as long as you promise to come back and be there for River, I'm not asking to do it for me but do it for your grand-daughter please dad; look I love you but I gotta go now so I can get River dried off but stop by anytime okay."

Phone call ends

It felt great to tell her the truth and that it was my fucking fault her life was hell but I think I'm gonna focus on being Athena's dad and River's grandpa. I had a meet up with my crew and we found someone to make decisions when I'm busy being a family man and I'm still a shot caller but I think I need this time to get to know my child and watch my grand-daughter grow up.

In the end Tully got to explain why Athena's life was shitty, and now he's gonna be there for them both; they've heard nothing from Daniel Graceland and his club so it was nothing but a hoaxes to get everyone tensed up and off their cool.

Writer's note:
Hey everyone, sorry it took so long to publish and it's probably really bad, but I'm running out of idea's and I also start College in August, I have a graduation party soon and my birthday is July 9th the day after my grad party. I might start writing something new on the side but this is what I got for this so far until I can come up with more idea's for Outlawed.

Thank you,  
                    ~Desi ♡

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