4. {A walk on the wild side}

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Drea didn't come back the day after. It was Saturday, and it started off lazy. Most of everyone was home except Steph. She's the one who works on the weekends since she gets three weekdays off. I crawled out of my cave again and hung out with everyone. For the first time, I got to sit down and have a conversation with Emilie and see how she handled the kids. Unmistakably, she was the strict parent yet the parent that let them get away with the most shit. She had a way of scolding them with just one glance and they all knew what it meant, even Leia. Grace was the other one they didn't mess with, but Steph and Sierra were usually the comfort parents. Soft, soft hearts.

When it was close to five, I disappeared up to my room. Steph wasn't there, so I'd ask Grace to come help me in the shower. I waited until six thirty, but Drea never showed.

On Sunday, I didn't want to leave my room, but then I got hungry and went looking for food. Steph was working again. Everyone else was home. Detective Harris came over with her girlfriend and their two sons, the boys leading the way into the living room. "Is that Molly Anne Reid!!" Grace exclaimed with a huge smile. "And Chef Ameilia LaRue Reid!"

"The name is still LaRue. Just LaRue, thank you very much!" Amelia said going over to hug the blonde and my eyes followed her because I swear I'm seeing doubles.

"You're twins?" I hear myself say.

They all look at me. "Triplets." She told me, offering a hand and much like Molly had the first time we met she pulled it back just as quickly. "You look familiar."

"You probably knew my husband," I told her.

"Yes, and— we've met. I remember my customers. You dined at my restaurant in New York last December," My brows rise as she went on. "You ordered—"

"I requested Chef's choice."

"I remember you." She concludes then she turns to Molly and as my gaze followed, we see both her and Emilie on the floor in some kind of brawl. Amelia ignored it so I do too. "Hey Mol, it's Julia!"

"Hi, Julia!"

I gave her an awkward wave. "Your name is Reid? I thought it was Harris?"

'Its both."

"She's getting rid of the Harris and going back to her maiden name so she can marry my sister." Emilie volunteered.

"Shut the fuck  up!" Molly swatted her with something but just as quickly, her face collided with the rug and Emilie ran away laughing. Molly and Amelia glared at her then Amelia was pulling out a switchblade to rush her sister. "I'm going to stab you. Get back here!! How many times do I have to tell you that you are not five!!! And you," she stops as she past Molly, glaring down at her. "I'll deal with you later. Emilie—!"

Sierra shook her head. "Welp, at least I don't have to do the scolding today."

"...hey, baby girl." I heard next to me and as I look, it was one of Molly and Amelia's sons. He smirks at me, leaning against the chair's armrest. "You look lovely today. Can I get you something to drink?"

What in the— is this kid hitting on me right now?

"Uh.... what do you have?"

"Juice box. I got the orange, the apple and the cherry, baby."

"Molly!" Grace cracks up. "Come get your kid. He's hitting on Julia!"

The rest of the room snickered and I was finding it incredibly hard to not join but I didn't want to crush his little self-esteem. "What if I choose the orange?"

He dipped into his backpack and pulled out an orange juice box, straw and all attached.  "One orange juice for my lovely. Would you like it on the rocks, or will the box do just fine?"

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