1. {And now, from the United States of America}

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AN// So before you start this book, it has a little scifi in it. It's not the main theme of this book, just that some side characters are not exactly human and possess supernatural abilities that Julia will learn about late. Until she learns about it, there will be no direct mentions of it since this is written from Julia's POV. What she sees, hear, feel, know, thinks etc. Love you all and enjoy!😊

Indistinctive chatter flew up from the packed stands and faded into the cold air. The only voice loud and clear was the one blaring through the speakers, announcing the next competitors. I flew to my feet when I saw the gates open, and the pair slid onto the ice. My palms met each other so hard I could feel the sting through my mitten, but the pain was inconsequential to the moment.

My eyes remained glued to the rink. On the man dressed in black sequin slacks and a white long-sleeved shirt. He wore white skates that were identical to his partner's. Her outfit was spectacular. A white sequin half dress/ half leotard, whatever the fuck. It had long embroidered sleeves, and she wore tan leg warmers with them. Her hair was in a neat bun with pearls of beads decorating it. Glittery silver makeup made her face a masterpiece. With cornflower blue eyes that were already spectacular, the silver makeup and glitter used to shine her up made her otherworldly. Angelic. She was beautiful.

They stopped in the centre of the rink and faced each other, their hands at their sides. I smiled again, my palms visiting each other once more as I cheered. "Go, baby! You got this!"

A crackle came through on the speakers before the commentators spoke. "And now, the United States of America!"

The stand buzzed as loud as a colony of aggravated bees. I screamed again, a smile on my face as I watched the ice.

The music began. The stand quieted down, but my heart rate grew steadily. As my husband slides across the ice, my gaze follows him, hardly ever paying attention to the woman he was skating with. Every slice his skates made across the ice felt like a scrape across my eardrums, and every jump rotation had my heart jumping too. My favourite sound was the tip of their skates digging into the ice on their landing.

Their routine was coming to an end. I knew from the countless amounts of his rehearsals that I'd watched. Only one more leap and it would be over. I watched the partners circle the ice together, in sync. Forward, twist to the left, go backwards, twist back right to go forward again. Another right twist to go backwards around the rink with some Michael Jackson moonwalk shit. Adrian distanced himself as his partner leapt into a double axel. She lands it beautifully, floating backwards towards him. One of her legs rose behind her at a ninety-degree angle, his window to catch her as she floated past.

He reached out, gripping her thighs and easing her into the air. It was just as flawless as I had seen them do it so many times before. Just as weightless. I held my breath for as long as it lasted until he lowered the woman again and they skated into their ending. The stand rose with applause. I released the breath I was holding and joined them.

It was hours after when I finally met Adrian on his way from the showers. He carried his gym bag in one hand, his coat in the other. He was now wearing a pair of jeans and a grey sweater. He also had a beanie on his head to help ward off the cold. His dark skin looked flush in this harsh climate. I rushed up to him with a hearty smile. My curly mane was caught into a low ponytail that slightly puffed out as it draped down my back. Some strands of hair were trapped between the collar of my dark brown leather coat and my black turtleneck sweater, tickling my neck.

I sighted people to reach him, but when I did, my oval face stretched into an excited laugh. My arms went up to close around his neck as his, despite all he carried, closed around the small of my back to hold me close to him. He lifted me gently and I clung to him with a soft laugh. "Congrats on winning gold. Again."

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