Mysterious Creatures

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My book  Love Me Back To Life is Now Available on Amazon. Here's the link to go and Purchase it and be sure to write a review as well guys. The link is also on my profile or you can just go to Amazon and type in the title it'll pop up.  Love you all and hope you enjoye this chapter. I may start posting on Tuesdays and Saturdays if I can find the time to write the chapters a bit quicker. :)


I yank my arm out of Drake's grasp once we're back at camp. "You want to tell me why you were such a douchebag back there!" I shout, furious with him! There was no reason for his behavior.

"You can't hang around shifters, Colby." He repeats his earlier words as he packs up our gear in haste.

"So I've gathered." I mutter and roll my eyes."You gonna tell me why not?" I stand and wait for a reply but Drake just continues to pack up the gear, ignoring me. "Drake!" I shout, exasperated. Shay is the first person I've known in my freaking miserable life that makes me want to actually live to see the next day. There's some unseen force pulling me towards her and now Drake has probably scared her away. I normally love my big brother, but right now, I kind of want to kill him.

"You just can't Colby!" He turns and screams at me, and then his eyes shoot to a line of trees. The wind is howling as the sun sets on this cool late summer/early fall evening. "Get in the car." He commands. I turn and follow his line of sight. What is wrong with him? Why is he so jumpy? "Get in the car now, Colby!" He tells me again. I look up at him, he's pleading to me with his eyes to just trust him and do as he says. I sigh and concede.

He packs up everything else quickly and tosses it on the back seat. He's slides into the driver's seat, starts the car and pulls off quickly. I glance back towards the woods Drake was eyeing a moment ago. I squint and notice five or six brown and black creatures with yellow glowing eyes emerge from the line of trees.

They're not wolves, though.

They're bigger, hairier, with a hunched back, and long bushy tail. I stare at them trying to decipher what they could possibly be. I make eye contact with one and it shows its sharp teeth sending shivers down my spine. I whip around in my seat and face forward.

"They're called Lycanthropes." Drake answers my unasked question. I turn and narrow my eyes at him. I feel like he knows more than he's telling me.

"What's that?" I question.

He shakes his head and closes his eyes briefly. When he opens them he pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs.

"You can't hang around with that girl, Colby." He says after a beat.

"Why Drake?" And it's a plea. A plea for him to stop treating me like I'm this fragile little kid and just tell me the truth.

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