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The cafe had plants crawling up the brick walls, and glowing lights on the ceiling. There weren't many people, but it certainly wasn’t quiet. A playlist was playing from the speakers, and the sounds of the coffee machine could be heard from the other side of the room. 

The two walked up to the counter and ordered their drinks. König ordered a cappuccino, and insisted he pay. When they sat down at a table, there was awkward silence between them. 

Why is it quiet? Should I say something?

Königs head was down, yet his eyes looked directly at her. She was looking out the window, her skin looked bright as the sun was setting.

I have practically memorised her features.. But how could I have not? She is gorgeous..

The waiter came over with their order and set it down in front of them. They said their thank yous as he left. 

König doesn’t want this day to end. So he plans on asking her to join him somewhere again today. Just one more time..

I want more moments with her.

“Ah.. We should go to an antique store, no?”

“An antique store?”



She spoke with that smile he adores so much.

Goddammit little maus.. I cannot fathom how much I love you. 

He smiled back and took a sip from his coffee. 

Hm. It tastes good.

They had a small chat about a few topics. Königs time in the military, what they do in their spare time, their favourite food..

After their conversation over coffee and laughter, they left to Königs other recommendation. Another walk side by side. Another walk where König has an excuse to look at her. 

I should’ve said I like looking at her in my spare time..

He laughs internally at his thought. But then widens his eyes a bit at the idea that passed through his mind.

I’ve already had her hold my arm. Surely I can hold her hand..

As she talks about something she saw. König can feel a cold shiver down his spine. He blames it on the weather, but it’s really just his nervousness. The tall man's eyes stare down at her hands. And carefully moves his pinky to meet hers. But then lets his hand fall down next to his side before he could feel her touch. His cheeks heats up and takes a deep breath. 

It’s okay König.

So he tries again. He cautiously lets their pinkies hook. He feels his heart freeze once she stops talking and looks down where their pinkies meet.

König doesn’t say a word. He keeps looking forward. Scared that if he does anything else, it would ruin everything. 

She smiles to herself, and keeps her pinky locked with his. 

There's silence between them again. Except it’s nice. It feels comfortable. You can feel the tension from a mile away. They can feel it themselves.

His heart could rip out of his chest at any moment. Until he couldn’t take it anymore. 

König makes another bold move. He gently holds her hand. Her fingers between his. He exhales a breath he has probably held for a long time. 

They walk hand in hand to the antique store. And walks inside. A ring of a bell marking their arrival through the door. König doesn’t stop holding her hand. He doesn’t want to let go..

“Well, here we are!”

He says looking down at her. 

The shop is a bit small. König lowers his tall posture. And looks around the room. There's plenty of clocks, mirrors, drawers. They look vintage and old, but so pretty. When she lets go of his hand to hold one of the antiques. König feels the emptiness in his heart, and the absence of her touch.

König tilts his head when he spots something reflecting the sunlight. He is getting blinded by it, so of course he picks it up. When he opens his hand, he finds an old pocket watch in the centre of his palm. The rim of the clock is brownish-gold, and has roman numerals in a black font. He flips the pocket watch to look at the back, and sees her in the reflection. 

He smiles and closes his hand, holding the pocket watch. When she puts the antique down and turns around, she sees him already there with his hands behind his back. His head is tilted a bit and looks like he’s been waiting there for a while. 

“Should we go now?”

She nods. He holds out his hand for her with a slight bow. She takes it. 

He smiles to himself. He feels the comfort in his heart again as they walk out the store. 

"A lot of.. Interesting things in there no?"

He spoke.

"Mhm! They were very beautiful."

She replied back.

You were the most beautiful there my dear.

The sun has fully set now. A rush of blue and black filling the sky. Stars hanging above them. Even the street light makes her eyes glow. Her smile brighter. 

The night seems more calmer with her. He wants nights like these more often. He wants to see her more often. Hold her hand more. Laugh with her. Make her smile. 

I guess I am a cheeseball..

He thinks to himself as his eyes remain on her. 

His car is only a few steps away. He sighs. 

Now I don't get to hold her hand anymore..

She lets go. He holds the car door for her.

The drive to her house was a bit quiet.

Ah.. She's probably tired from the day we had. That's okay.

When the red traffic light showed, König took this chance to look at her again. 

She's looking out the window. A bit of sleepiness in her eyes. She lets out a yawn.

How cute..

He parks his car next her house, and opens the door for her one last time. 

She adjusts her belongings as she gets out of the car and looks up at him. 

"Thanks for today"

She says.

"No problem. We should hang out more."

She nods.

"You should probably get some sleep little Maus."

"Night König"

She waves him goodbye and gets out her key. 

My name.. 

He sighs.

My name sounds wonderful coming from her.

He keeps his eyes on her as she waves him one last goodbye and shuts the door.


He thinks of her voice again before getting in his car.

Then he's driving back home. 

• 𝘍𝘖𝘙 𝘛𝘏𝘌 𝘍𝘐𝘙𝘚𝘛 𝘛𝘐𝘔𝘌 • 𝘬ö𝘯𝘪𝘨 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now