Il est mort

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Audreys Pov:

It's a monday again... I dont have the energy for this. Somehow we all made it to the great hall for break fast. Dumbledore was here along with all the other professors. "What is the old man doing here?" Theo asks everyone. We all shake our heads. "No idea" Blaise replies in a tired tone. Enzo is still at the hospital wing... I will visit him after breakfast.

Dumbledore walked to the front and he cleared his throat. The hall went quite. Dumbledore sighs deeply. "I have very unfortunate news..." he began. Oh i know what this is about. Mattheo fixed his posture and sat upright. "A student of ours took their own life...." he continues. Gasping and whispering arose. "What? they must be really stupid to kill themselves!" Draco exclaims. 

"Quite!" Snape commands. "Cormac Mclaggen was found dead in the room of requirements...He used a pocket knife to...take his life.." Dumbledore finishes. He walks out of the great hall and Mcgonagall steps in front. Now everyone is looking at me. (Mattheo,Theo,Blaise,Draco,Pansy) 

"What? You think i had something to do with it?" i ask in defense. "Yes!" they all say at the same time. "I was with Harry,Ron and Hermione the whole time yesterday! If you want ask them!" i reply getting frustrated because i am angry and tired. 

"If you were close to him and you feel grief you can speak to any of the professors and you can take the day off" Mcgonagall says and she steps back.

Their faces were still on me. "I'm going to the hospital wing. I can't with you lot"

----In the hospital wing----

I walk into the hospital wing. Madame pomfrey stops me. "Who are you here to visit dear?" she asks giving me her warm smile. I smile back. "Berkshire Madame" i say. The points to his bed. "Don't take too long" she says. "I won't" i reply

I sit on the chair next to his bed. "Hey Enzo. Have you heard?" i ask with a grin. He sits up on  his bed. He have me his concerned looks "God what did you do?!" He exploded. I hushed him. "Il est mort" I whisper. He almost didn't hear it. His jaw drops. I use my hands to lift his jaw. "How?" he asks still in surprise. I smile. "He took his own life" i say motioning a cut on my neck. "Why would he-" He was interrupted by Madame Pomfrey "Up,up go to classes" she says dragging me out of the chair. 

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