Sneaking out

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Audrey's Pov:

We both didn't go to dinner after that. The hell was he thinking reading my mind while I'm reading. I'm burning all my books.

I'm bored. I want to do something crazy but I don't want to do it alone. I look at Riddle. Perfect I will make him come with me to do stupid things. Its 10:15pm now. Definitely past curfew.

I walk over to him and sit on the floor opposite him. He looks up from his phone. "What?" he asks. He still looks like he is in shock. "Wanna sneak out?" i ask with a smirk. 

He puts his phone on his bed. "To where?".

"Hogsmeade" I reply. "And how do we get there without getting caught?" He asks. He looks like he is interested. 

"I have my ways" I say with a smirk. "What are we going to do in Hogsmeade?" he asks. Why does he have so much questions?

"We will go to 3 broomsticks shop" I reply

"Isn't it closed?" he asks. He has too many questions. 

"We can break in dumbass" I reply. At this point imp annoyed.

"Are you crazy? we will get caught" He says 

"I am crazy. We will try not to get caught. Are you in?" I ask

A grin grows on his face "I'm in"

"I have Harrys invisibility cloak. we can use that and I know a shortcut"

He gets up from the floor. I wear a hoodie and grab the cloak. 

I wrap the cloak over us and we get out of the dorm. We walk slowly out of the common room. 

We walk down the dungeon. "Climb through that portrait" I say to Riddle.

We climb through the portrait.

We walk for a while till we reach a ladder.

I climb up first and push open the trap door. Riddle followed behind me.

"see its easy"  I say. "We better not get caught"

I throw the cloak over us again. We walk towards the 3 broomsticks in sync. When i reach the door of the 3 broomsticks i take out my wand. "Alohomora" I say. The door is now open. When we enter I remove the cloak. 

I went over the drinks section and I take 1 bottle. "You drink?" Riddle asks in surprise. "Well there are more things you don't know about me. Take one bottle" He goes and picks up a bottle. I open my bottle and chug it down like water. "That's vodka... Do you just drink it straight up?" He asks open his bottle and drinking from it. "Yeah"

Its been an hour I think. I'm not too sure. Riddle is drunk as hellll. So am I. He finds a radio and he turns it on. He puts it on a low volume. "Care to dance?" he says drunk. "Yes" I say.

We dance to the music. His hands are warm against my arms. I looks into my eyes. His eyes are so deep. He leans in, so do I. The song "call out my name" is playing the background. He kisses me. It was a quick one but it felt so warm. 

I cant think straight. I went and turned the radio off. "Lets go" I say. 


We both somehow made it outside the common room dorm without getting caught. "Pureblood" Riddle says and the door opens. 

We both are hanging onto each other. My vision is a bit blurry but I can see Theo  and Enzo sitting on the couch. We walk towards the couch. "Why the hell are you two drunk?" Enzo asks getting up from the couch. "I'm not drunk" I reply. Enzo sighs. "How did you- neverminded" Theo says getting up. He takes the bottles from our hands. "Why did you take it?" Riddle asks. 

"Lets get you to your dorms shall we?" Enzo says. He was about to pick me up but Theo stopped him. "I will take her." Theo says picking me up. Enzo stood there. He helps Riddle walk to the dorm. Enzo takes the key from his pocket and opens the door. Theo placed me on my bed. Enzo took Riddle to his bed. "Night girl" he says and leaves. Theo is still in the room.

I can feel his breath on my face. He is towering over me. He leans in and kisses my lips. This one wasn't a quick one. I tried to move my hands but his hands was pushing my hands down. 

The door opens and I was released from his grip. "What are you doing mate? Lets go" Enzo says. I feel very tired. My eyelids got heavier and I fell asleep.

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