Brother- what are you doing?

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WC: 1193


Mattheos Pov:

Audrey alarm went off. I want to sleep longer. That stupid thing wont shut up! I get up and turn her alarm off. She is still sleeping. I went to the bathroom and took a shower and brush my teeth.

I go to my shelf to get a t-shirt. I put on a shirt and i fix my hair. I walk over to her bed. I shake her slightly. "Audrey get up... You will miss the train" She groans. She sounds annoyed. She opens her eyes slowly. "Morning Riddle" she said in a tired voice. 'Up you get Potter" I lift her up. "Okay" she gets up and goes to the bathroom.

After 30 minutes she comes out. She is wearing a white crop top and black cargo pants. "Lets go?" She asks "Yeah. Get your suitcase" I reply. She gets her suitcase. I open the dorm room and i go out. She came out after a while. I go and sit next to Draco.  Audrey locks the dorm door and came to our spot. Enzo got up and hugged her. "It worked" He said. She smiles "I told you"

"For merlin's sake stop kissing the both of you!" Audrey screamed. She sinks into the couch next to Theodore. She looks at him "Your nose doing okay?" she asks him with a smile. "Yeah, now i believe Draco when he said you punched him" he answered.  She seems so friendly with him...

"Its 8 lets get going now" Draco says. He gets up and takes his suitcase. We all get up and leave one by one. Audrey and i are the last ones left in the common room other than the those who are staying. "Ready to go love?" I asked. "Yeah" she says hiding her face. "Potter are you blushing?" asked. "No... Just shut up!" She snapped. I put my hands up. "Okay anything you say love" I said. "Shut up before i Avada Keda-" I cover her mouth with my hands. "people are looking" i say. I slowly move my hands away from her mouth. "And  i could have killed you" she said smiling.

-----In the train----

We all enter a compartment. The train looks bigger than last time. I take seat next to the window. Audrey sits next to me. "Why on earth do you have a blanket?" Enzo questioned. "Its cold besides we can all use it" She reasoned. Everyone looks at her in pure confusion. "You guys don't pay attention in charms at all," She takes her wand out and points it at the blanket. "Engorgio" The blanket grew in size. Enough for all of us. 

"Well done Potter do you need a medal for that?" I tease her. "Do i get extra a medal if i act like i care Riddle?" she taunts. Everyone starts laughing. "Way to go Potter!" Enzo shouts. "Thanks love" she says with a smile. Did she just call him love? What the hell is going on?  "Love?!" Pansy screeched. "Gross! Me with Enzo? I would rather die" She replies. "She would literally die" Theo added. 

A smirk grows on Audrey's face. "Did you kiss Daph yet Enzo?" She asks. Everyone's attention is now on them. "We both are dating and we could have told that without your help" Enzo replies. The compartment is now filled with squeals and screams from Pansy. After a while she went quite. Everyone is under Audrey's blanket. 

Draco went out of the compartment to sit with Crabbe and Goyle. Pansy is sleeping on Blaise's shoulder and Enzo is leaning against Daphne. Audrey turns and looks at me. 

"I think i smelled jealously" She says with that bright smile. "I'm not jealous" I lie. "Yeah right. You fists were clenched very tightly" she replies. I mean she is not lying right now. "Music?" she asks holding up her ear phone. "Sure" i reply. We are sharing earphones and her music taste is not bad either. "What if they see us?" I ask. "Then make sure they don't" she replies. Pansy wakes up. I quickly give Audrey her earphones back. "What? Oh okay..." She takes her earphones and puts them in her pockets. Follow me. she says in her mind. Alright. i reply. She stands up.

 "Where you off to?" Pansy asks her. "Imma go see if harry has snacks. Be back" She leaves the compartment. I get up to follow her. "Now where you off to?" Pansy asks me. "To my  brother." I lie. I leave the compartment. She was outside waiting. She walks down the train and to a place where its quite. "They wont see us here" she suggested. I smirked. "I missed you" i say. She raises her eyebrows "Me or my lips?" I smile "Both". Her warm lips touch mine and its like we are moving in sync. I hear someone come. Shit its Tom. 

"Brother- what are you doing?" He stops in his tracks and look at me then Audrey. he walks towards Audrey. "What are you doing with a Potter brother?" He asks still looking at Audrey. "Nothing" I reply. 

"Father will be pleased to hear about this" He says turning to me with a smirk. "Don't tell anything besides she didn't do anything wrong!" I shout. He presses my cheeks tightly with his hands. 

"Come to the meeting and Father will not be hearing about this" He says. I have to go to the meeting... If he finds out he will surely kill Audrey. "Fine. We have a deal" i reply hesitantly. He leaves my cheeks. 

"Good" He takes a letter out of his pocket. "You dropped this Potter" he says handing it to her. He leaves after that. "Who is that letter from?" I ask. "Sirius. Harrys godfather" She reply keeping the letter in her jacket pocket.  "Okay" i reply. 

"What is meeting about? Deatheater stuff?" She asks going inside one of the empty compartments. Deatheater? How does she know about that? Only the people in the meetings know about that. "Deatheater? where did you get that from?" I questioned.

 "A wild guess. Since your father kills people i got death and i heard your father has a snake and it eats people so Death eater" she says. She did not stutter or pause or she didn't need a moment to think. She is telling the truth then. "We sitting here now?" i ask. "Yeah.More peaceful"

----- At the station----

"Audrey wake up... We are at the station. lets go" i say trying to wake her up. She wakes up and she gets her stuff. 

We get out of the train and she goes to pansy. "You didn't come back. Where did you go?" Pansy asks her. "I went to see the dark lord" she replies laughing. "Your brother is waiting for you. See you next week!" she says and she hugs Audrey. Enzo wakes up to her. "Don't worry i wont miss you" He says smiling "And who said i will?" He hugs her. Why is he so touchy? She walks to me "See you in a week Riddle" She says and she walks to Harry. "Riddle! My father is here lets go!" Draco calls. 

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