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Audrey's Pov:

I slept late last night. Molly called us for breakfast and I'm sitting at the table half asleep. "Audrey stop sleeping" says Harry. "I'm not... sleeping!" I shout. "Morning" said Fred and George "Hey Gred and Forge" I eat my breakfast. "Guys i'm going out... I will see you later" i say wearing my jacket and shoes. "Where are you going?" Hermione asks me "To Enzos" i say "Who is Enzo?" Asks Ron " My best friend?" I say clearly annoyed. "And its a boy?" asks Fred "Yes! Yes and yes. He is not my boyfriend" i shout "Bye then princess" says Fred and George. I feel bad for shouting at fred and george. They are just so sweet. "I'm sorry for shouting at you Fred and george... The rest of you deserved that! Byee!" i say. "well she has her favourites" Says Ron 

I walk out and get on my broomstick.


3rd person:

Alayla sneaked into beauxbatons. "Who are you? How did you get in?" says a school girl. Alayla looks into her eyes. "I didn't come here... You didn't see me... You killed Madame Olympe" She hypnotised her. "And i will take that" Alayla takes the girls wand.  She made her way to the headmasters office. She knocks on the door. "Come in" says Madame Olympe. She walks in. "Hello Madame Olympe" she says. 

"Who are you?" she asks. Alayla has a mask on. "Oh... we go way back" she replies. "Way back? who are you?" Olympe panicked. "Colloportus," She says and the door got locked. She removes her mask. "A-Audrey? how did you get in?" Olympe tripped and fell to the floor. "Yes, I am Audrey but you can call me Alayla" She says walking towards Olympe. "W-Why are you here?" She says scared. "Why are you scared Madame? I just came to pay you a visit" Says Audrey in a calm voice.

 She walks up to Olympe and helps her sit on her seat. "Thanks..." says Olympe hesitantly. Audrey takes a seat. She reaches for her bag , she pulls out a box of chocolates. "Your favourites" she says placing them on the table. "Why are you here?" Olympe asks not changing the subject. "Sirius wanted me to talk to you and smooth things out" says Audrey smiling. "D'accord...." Says Olympe. "let me think... That diamond necklace you have is beautiful" says Audrey playing with her wand. 

"Yes it is... It was passed down from my ancestors" She says happily. "I want it" says Audrey changing her voice and expression quickly. "Excuse me?" Olympe asks confused. "The diamond i want it... We can do it the easy way or," Audrey  looks at her wand playing with it. "the harder way". "You wont kill me...You can't do that" Says Olympe searching her desk for her wand. Audrey holds up another wand. "Looking for this?" She says. She breaks the wand. "Wanna try me Maxine?" Audrey gets up from her seat.

 Olympe is now holding the necklace on her neck. "You're not A-Audrey... She will not do this" Says Olympe taking steps back and she hits a wall. A vase falls to the floor shattering. "Your right im not Audrey... Im Alayla" She smirks. She walks to Olympe blocking her path. Olympe has nowhere to run now. "W-What did i do to you?" she stammers. Alayla tilts her head. "Oh you have hurted me alot..." She says, "Hand.me.the.diamond." Olympe shakes her head. "You made it hard for yourself. You chose this" Says Alayla. 

She takes out her wand. "N-no please d-dont-,"  Olympe cries "T-this is not you- Please..." She cries. "You hurted me this will even it out" She says with a small smile. "W-why are you  d-doing this?" She continue to cry. "I need to," She points her wand at Olympe who is standing in a puddle of tears. "Avada Kedavra" She shouts. 

A green light hits Olympe. Her body drops to the floor. Alayla lowers herself. She digs into her bag and places a dead rose on Olympes hand. She takes the diamond and places it in a black box. She places the box in her pocket. She stands up "Bon voyage en enfer bitch" She stands up. She picks up her bag and She walks to the door. "Alohomora" She leaves the school without anyone else seeing her.

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