Sorting Ceremony

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The summer holidays were over and the students returned to Hogwarts. The sorting hat sorted all the first years. 

Mattheos pov:

Dumbledore stood up "We have a new student joining us. She is coming here from Beaubatons school for witches. She is joining with the 5th years" All the students starts talking. Draco looks at me "This one might be good looking" he says. I sigh and reply "This one will be the same as the rest a self centered bitch" Pansy smacks him "Hey!" ouch that hurt. Dumbledore continues with his speech "Lets give a warm welcome to Audrey Potter!" Draco looks around confused "There is one more of him?" Everyone went quite all of the sudden I decided to look. A girl with a wavy brown hair, and lips that looks like pink roses walks in. Her body seems lost in her robes. "That's a fine looking one" Theodore says looking at her as she walks up to the front.

Audrey's Pov

When I entered everyone went quite. Many were looking at me but I walked with confidence to the front. "Take a seat Audrey and you will be sorted into your house" says a old lady with a pointy hat. I sat down on the chair. I could see Harrys and Ron's fingers crossed. "Hmm where to put you.... You are clever..You have a thirst to prove yourself and creative" The hat started speaking "Hmm... SLYTHERIN!" the hat shouted. Everyone started speaking. I heard Ron say "She is a Potter how is that even possible?" I stood up "Make your way to the Slytherin table" said the old witch. I walked towards the table and I noticed Malfoy. "What are you doing here?" He asks. I sat 2 seats away from him. "I guess I can break your nose again" I replied. A girl turned to look at me "Hi I'm Pansy, That's Theo, Mattheo he is silent but once you get to know him he is crazy,Blaise,Daphne and I'm guessing you already met Draco" she said introducing me to everyone. Theo looks at Draco then me "You punched him?" he asks "Yeah he was getting on my nerves" He smirks. Everyone was eating. I looked up at them. "We got dorms?" I ask pansy "Yes we do. I think your my roommate" After the feast was finished i went to the golden trio. "Hey" i said "How could you end up in Slytherin?" Hermione asks. I shrug my shoulders. "Audrey come with me! I will show you to your dorm" Pansy says. I wave bye to them and follow her. 

We walked up many stairs and took so many turns. "Are you like harry?" Pansy asks " No. He is not fun you know" .After a while we reach a door it had snakes here and there. "Pureblood" Pansy says and the snakes crawled away and the door opened. We both walked in. The common room looked comfy and safe. It had many seats and couch's. "This way to your dorm. You will be having your own room by the way" she said. I was quite happy at the thought of that. She led me to my dorm and gave me the keys to my dorm "These are the keys. Their are two just in case one gets lost and my dorm is just 4 dorms to the right" she says. I open my dorm room. There was a bed with green sheet and there was shelfs and a study table. My stuff was already here.

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