Filler 2 : Truth Behind The Power

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Izuku returned tired and exhausted which was to be expected. He plopped down on his bed and in minutes he was asleep. Recently he had been having dreamless sleep. However this time something seemed different. He noticed that he seemed to be suspended in a void in space. He was unable to move or speak. That was when he noticed. A gigantic shadow was standing in front of him. He could see only the shadows eyes, they were crimson red and glowing and had a cold sharpness to them. The shadow started to shrink till it was about as tall as a normal adults human. Then the shadow started to morph and emerged a handsome man who looked like he was in his early twenties. He had white hair and a slightly pale skin tone. He smiled at Izuku. "So you're the one? The one who inherited my will." Izuku looked at him confused, 'What will?' "Oh they never told you?" 'Wait... Can you read my thoughts!?' "Indeed I can. I have no name... at least no more.. You can refer to me as Falen tho." 'Just who are you? Why are you in my dreams? And what do you mean by inheriting your will?' "I believe I should explain then.. Once upon a time I used to be an extremely powerful being. I could destroy the world with a mere thought. However my power became my downfall. Those I had trusted the most betrayed me. My body was destroyed but my soul was immortal, eternal. I left my will behind. A will filled with vengeance, anger and pain. I left behind my powers and knowledge. I had been waiting for someone deserving of my powers. Finally I found one... You. " 'W-what?' "Time manipulation is just the beginning. Now you may be wondering why didn't I show up earlier. That was because I was watching you, evaluating your performance. I found it to be satisfactory. So from now on I'll help you become stronger. Also the time has come for you to unlock you second power. It is known as Turn Null. When i was at my peak I could erase entire worlds by myself using this ability. " 'I-.... Teach me how to control it. I don't want to kill anyone.' "All in due time. For now you must learn to master what you have. Well seems our time is up.. I'll see you tomorrow. Till then.."

Everything went white as the dream collapsed.

Izuku Midoriya - The Timeless HeroWhere stories live. Discover now