Chapter 3: The Entrance Exam Begins

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The UA Entrance Exam. UA is said to be the greatest school to study to become a Hero. It is the most prestigious school in the country and it's Entrance Exam is also equally hard. Katsuki, his sister Katsumi and Izuku are all planning on going to UA.

The time had come. The Entrance Exam had appeared. They only had one chance, if they failed then they would be unable to take the Exam again till next year. They reached the gate of UA. While trying to enter Izuku tripped, on God knows what, and was about to fall when he caught himself using his quirk. They found their way to the auditorium. Present Mic, a pro hero, was going to give a speech before the Exam. Once all the examinees arrived he began,"Can I get a hey!?".... Everyone remained silent. You could hear a pin drop. Mic sweatdropped and continued,"Okay then. Welcome to the UA Entrance Exam. There will be many obstacles........" He continued to give his speech however most of the people present stopped to pay attention to what he was saying. After a little while though everyone started to pay attention again as Mic got into the important stuff,"... There will be faux villains which you have to defeat. There will be three kinds. The weakest will be worth 1 point, the medium ones 2 points and the strongest ones 3 points-". Suddenly a kid with blue hair and shining specs suddenly stood up. One could easily tell that this guy was a stickler for rules. He interrupted Mic and began,"Sir! In the guidebook it say there are 4 kinds of robots. If this is a mistake then it is immensely shamefull for the institution. And you!" He points to Izuku,"The one with the green hair, you've been mumbling continuously. It is very distracting. Please stop." Izuku, who hadn't noticed the blue haired kid, stopped mumbling and looked at him. Then he stood up and said,"I'm sorry. But first of all you're the only one who is being disturbed by my muttering. And secondly if you waited for like 5 more seconds Sensei Mic would have explained it." Izuku then sat down on his seat and the blue haired kid who was now red with embarrassment sat down as well. Present Mic then said,"Thank you. Anyways as I was saying. The fourth one is nothing but an obstacle. It is worth no points. It is best if you avoid it. On everybody's slip the zone they have to go to is marked. Once everybody reaches I will announce the beginning of the exam." After he finished everybody went to their respective zones. Izuku was in Zone D, Katsuki in Zone A and Katsumi was with her brother. The Entrance Exam was about to begin.

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