Chapter 8 : Battle Training (Part 2)

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All Might seemed shocked by Izuku's sudden appearance but he recovered quickly. Very soon after that the other students started to file in. Once all the students were there All Might said, "YOU GUYS ALREADY LOOK LIKE HEROES! BUT NOW THE REAL TRAINING STARTS" He pulls out a script as all the students sweat dropped. He began, "LISTEN UP. THE VILLAINS HAVE STOLEN A NUCLEAR BOMB AND ARE HIDING IT IN A BUILDING. THE HEROES HAVE TO GO IN TO THE BUILDING TO RECOVER THE DEVICE AND CAPTURE THE VILLAINS. THERE WILL BE 8 TEAMS OF 2 PEOPLE. THESE TEAMS WILL BE DECIDED ON THE BASIS OF LOTTERY!" The sonic rip off, as Izuku called him, raised his hand and said," Is this because we may have to partner up with people we dont know!? Truly UA is the greatest hero school!" All Might sweat dropped,"Y-YES INDEED." 'WHAT AM I TALKING ABOUT!?' All the people went over to draw their own balls. At the end the team distribution was like this -
Team A : Ochako Uraraka and Mashirao Ojiro
Team B : Momo Yaoyarozu and Hanta Sero
Team C : Tenya Iida and Katsuki Bakugo
Team D : Izuku Midoriya and Kyoka Jiro
(Im too pazy too type in all the teams and their names.)

Jiro went up to Izuku, "Seems like we're a team." Izuku looked over to her, "Indeed. So what's your quirk?" "My quirk is Earphone Jack. It allows me to hear very far and also create sound of any frequency." "That's a really useful quirk. My quirk is Stopwatch which allows me to stop or manipulate time in anyway I see fit." Jiro stared at Izuku wide eyed unable to believe what she just heard. "Okay.. You are just too OP." "Heh. Yes I am."

All Might declared, "Okay first will be Team A and Team G. Team A will be the heroes and Team G the villains."

Just like that battle training began. One after another the battles ended. Some faster than others. Finally came Izuku and Jiro's turn, they say bomds forged in battle last a lifetime... Weather they do or not remains to be seen but one thing is certain. Their will definitely be a bond formed between these two.


Iida and Bakugo went into the building. They hid the bomb and started to make a plan. Bakugo said," That OP broccoli is going to try and finish it quickly so be careful. He can stop or even skip time and if you're not careful then you will be done in. " Iida noticed how serious Bakugo was and just nodded. "OKAY! HEROES MAY ENTER." Izuku looked at Jiro and nodded. Izuku walked into the building with Jiro. Jiro knelt down and planted her earphones into the ground. Very soon she heard the two. "They split up, one is by the bomb it seems and the other is rushing towards us." "The one rushing us is most probably Bakugo. He is rash and doesnt think things through. I'll deal with him. Wait here."

Izuku got up and started to walk forward. He stopped in place and closed his eyes. He opened up his eyes again but now they were no longer the usual green. His eyes were blue with black clock arms inside them. This was the indication that he had activated his quirk. All of a sudden Bakugo appeared and punched forward at him. Suddenly the clock which was ticking in his eyes halted and the world started to slow down till everything was frozen. He sighed and moved out of the way of his punch. He slammed his fust into Bakugo's gut and followed it up with a roundhouse kick to the face. Then he unfroze time and suddenly Bakugo went flying off to the wall and crashed through it. He fell down unconscious. "Too predictable." was all Izuku said as he walked forward. All the people observing the batlle seemed dumbfounded as Izuku appeared to have dissapeared and reappeared in a different place and Bakugo suddenly flew away even though Izuku did nothing.

Izuku and Jiro continued up to the third floor where Iida was, guarding the bomb. Izuku signalled to Jiro to send out a high frequency sound blast at Iida. Jiro did as he asked and sent out a powerful sound blast at Iida. Iida baredly reacted in time to dodge it. But that was all it took for Izuku to finish it. He froze time and walked up to Iida. With a swift neck chop he knocked him out. Then he unfroze time and went over to the bomb and touched it.

A loud bell rang signalling the end of the round and their victory. They walked back to the observation room as the medical personnel entered and took Iida and Bakugo to Recovery Girl.

To be continued....

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