Chapter 13 : USJ (Part 3)

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Time has been represented by many forms over the years. The most common representation being as a River. But Izuku thought in a different way. He believed time to be like an ocean in which we all swim. When one moves they disturb the time and space around themselves.

Using this thought he wondered weather he could manipulate time so that the time for just one object would be accelerated. He closed his eyes and started to concentrate. Soon he felt it. It was as though he was part of the world around him. As though he'd become one with nature. Just as you couldn't focus on a single drop of rain you couldn't focus on him. It was as though he was there yet not there at the same time. As though he existed everywhere yet nowhere. He opened his eyes and unknown to him his eyes had turned silver. He willed the flow of time around the nomu to increase. He kept increasing it till it reached 100 times the normal rate. Then he stopped increasing it.

The students who were watching the whole thing looked on in shock as they saw the nomu suddenly start to wither away. Within moments the nomu was gone. Shigaraki and kurogiri were shocked by this and quickly made their getaway. Izuku would've stopped them but the moment he tried to stop it he realized he was feeling extremely exhausted. It was as though all the energy from his body had been sapped away. The moment the two left he fell down unconscious.

Every quirk has a drawback. His is no exception. Izuku's quirk puts a very large toll on the users energy supply and stamina. It also has another drawback. Knowledge. Yes knowledge. Not academic knowledge, rather knowledge of the past, the present and the future. Most of the times he wasnt able to see the future only predict it to some extent but he bore the burden of Millennia of memories from the past. That was the curse that came with his power.

When the two villains left Aizawa contacted U.A. and had heroes arrive on the scene. The heroes reached within 10 minutes. At the end about 132 villains were arrested some of whom were on the wanted list of the police. The school declared a week break. Izuku on the other hand was taken to the infirmary. It took him 3 hours to wake up. When he woke up something seemed different about him. It was as though in those 3 hours he had matured by 300 years.
Well they weren't wrong for in those three hours he had indeed gained 300 years worth of memories. This was also a reason why it took him so long to wake up. His brain was assimilatimg the information. As a result he remained unconscious. Had he woke up his mind would probably be crushed under the weight of the information.

Once Izuku woke up he got out of the bed he was in, got dressed and made his way home. If only he knew.....


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