Chapter 12: USJ (Part 2)

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A man with pale blue hair suddenly walked up and said, "I dont see All Might. Oh well I'm sure if we kill a few students he will appear. Hahahahahahah!" Hearing this the students entered a panic. The teachers went into battle and started fighting. Suddenly a portal opened and out came a foggy man wearing a tuxedo. Bakugo, being as hot headed as ever, charged at the villain who introduced himself as Kurogiri. Suddenly Kurogiri activated his quirk which resulted in a portal opening and sucking the students in. The students got  ported all around the USJ where numerous villains had appeared.

Izuku, who was with the students before the portal appeared, used his quirk to shift his position in space and got out of the portals reach. He saw that all his friends and classmates were scattered around the place. The fear caused a panic among the students.

Izuku took a moment to figure out the situation and make a plan. Once he had a plan ready he took a deep breath and went into the fight. He noticed three villains together about to ambush two of his classmates. He slowed time down to a crawl and went into action. He kicked one of the villains in the neck, slammed his fist into another's face and roundhouse kicked the last one and then restored the flow of time. All three were flung away. He moved off to deal with the other villains.

He was like a force of nature, unstoppable. He took out quite a few of the villains and also assisted some of his classmates. When he was sure that all the villains had been more or less taken care of he went to the center of the building. He noticed Aizawa fighting the one who appeared to be the leader of the pack.

He went to help Aizawa when suddenly a hulking beast appeared. It slammed its fist into Aizawaand flung him away. Izuku appeared and caught him to prevent any very large injuries,"Sensei! You okay!?" Aizawa looked at him, "It'll take more than that to take down Problem Child."

Izuku looked up at the thing. At that time the hands villaim spoke, "Did you like that? This thing is a bioengineered Nomu. It was made to be able to go toe to toe with All Might. So good luck!!"

All the students who had made their way to the gate suddenly froze out of fear. Izuku looked on at the 'Nomu' in concern trying to figure out what to do against it. Suddenly an idea came to his mind.

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