Chapter 18 : Concept Of Infinity

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Izuku woke up from yet another dreamless sleep. Ever since that one time he didn't have any dreams similar to that... or to be precise he had no dreams any longer. Paying that no mind he got up from bed, freshened up and went to the faux city D. He wanted to improve his barrier. He spent hours on end trying to improve his barrier but still it remained stuck at a level. He realized if the opponent was too strong they could break the barrier with an attack. Yes it would nullify the damage a considerable amount but he would still be hurt. He wanted to create an impenetrable barrier. So he stopped fighting and went to his dorm. Yes his dorm. UA had applied the dorm system for the students' safety. After changing his clothes he went out. He was out of ideas for how to develop his barrier. So he went to the largest store house of information. The library.

He spent hours reading up on different heroes who had barrier type quirks. He even read books on how there was once a hero who had impenetrable barriers which couldn't be destroyed. They were so hard that it is said anyone attacking the barrier took damage instead of the barrier. He took a break from reading after a few hours past. He notice that it was almost time for him to return back. Just as he got up a book caught his eye. It was an old book called Concept of Infinity. He felt intrigued by the book and took it with him. When he returned he went into his dorm and locked the doors. He read the book. The more he read the more he was shocked. Finally at about chapter 5 of the book he found what he was looking for.

The concept of the infinite is truly bizarre. It is an unimaginable quantity and yet it is contained between two very easily imaginable and definite quantities. An infinity in a finite space. He realized that while difficult it was nit impossible to pull of. All he needed to do was compress space so much that he could fit an infinitely large space into a finite one. However that would require him to push the very limits of his quirk. "I don't belive I will be able to perform something if this magnitude. Unless......" Before he would have never even thought of something as insane as this. However after getting that overhaul from OFA, it was needless to say that his possibilities had well and truly become limitless.

The next morning he went to faux city D once again. He began concentrating on the space around him and after half an hour he managed to create a barrier ten times stronger than the barriers he created before. Encouraged by this he activated OFA. "One For All 70%. Finite Infinity ." Finite Infinity was the name he had created for this barrier. After spending a good 15 minutes he succueded partially. He created a compressed folded space where even without slowing time down the further something went into the barrier the slower he got. Then he incorporated his time aspect into it.

For almost the entire week he had been busy improving this ability. However that was not all he did. You see he needed a real trump card. One which he could use without worrying if he would end the world by causing a collapse of the fabric of space time. After some time he came up with a move. "Broken World : Half Dimension". Broken World : Half Dimension this move is just as it sounds. It is a very powerful ability. If used in the wrong way it can be very lethal. He can literally halve the dimensions of the world and trap a person in the inter dimensional space, freezing him completely. However he can also creat a dimensional rift in such a way that it could literally split a person into two. It was a highly versatile move which had its dangers.

The entire week passed. The time had arrived. It was now time for the UA SPORTS FESTIVAL.

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