Chapter 15 : Quirk Overhaul

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Once Izuku woke up he noticed that something felt different about his quirk. For some reason his quirk felt more potent more powerfull. It was as though he could manipulate the very fabric of space time. You see, OFA gives a huge speed and strength boost to people whose quirks aren't that powerful or who don't have a quirk. However in his case he had a already op quirk. What OFA did was amp up his quirk to stupid levels. Deciding that he wanted to try out his abilities and see the difference he went to Dagobah Beach. Once he reached the place he noticed that it was very filthy. People dumped there trash all over there. The place was once a beautiful spot but now its just a dump.

With a frown on his face he went to work. First up he tried to see for how long he could stop time. He took a deep breath and said, "Stop." and suddenly time came to a halt. He started counting how long it remained in effect. He saw that it lasted for 10 minutes. This was huge compared to the previous limit of 30 seconds. Suddenly he had an idea, he had realized that he held the power to control time completely he could both accelerate and slow down time. He started to wonder if he could slow time down for a single object. With this thought he set out to train. After a grueling hour of training he finally managed it. It took him 30 more minutes to finally get some control over it.

Now he had always been able to skip or rewind time, just never on living things only inanimate objects. The other limitation this ability had was by how much he could rewind. Before he could rewind time by a few minutes max. But now he could rewind time on a single object, living or non living, by days. If he went large scale then he could rewind time for a day. The larger the area he covered the less amount of time he could remind. Suddenly he realized something. The consequences of rewinding time without thinking. You see every action has consequences. He realized every time he rewinded time on a large scale he would cause damage to the fabric of space time and if he did it on a large scale continuously then he could potentially end all of reality by destabilizing space time. He started feeling for the threads and realized that the fabric would take about a month to heal. So he set a limit for himself. He would not rewind time more than once in a month. Unless it was absolutely necessary. However on a smal scale he could rewimd time as much as he wanted. For example he could literally rewind the time on a single object by centuries. Suddenly he got an idea.

Those who had seen the beach that day saw nothing out of the ordinary but the next day the people were shocked to see that the entire beach was clean and clear. As though there was never anything there.

On the other hand he went over to UA to meet with All Might. He called him over and brought him to a secret place. He said, "Listen. I can reverse the time on your body so that you can regain your prime condition. But i cannot do it over and over again just once. Okay?" All Might looked at Izuku in shock, he was completely speechless. Izuku put his hand on All Might's wound and used his quirk. He reverted time on his body by 10 years taking him back to his prime. Just as he was going to give him the good news he got a head splitting headache and fell down to one knee. His teeth clenched together in a desperate attempt to endure the pain. He also felt that the fabric had indeed been damaged. He wouldnt be able to use that ability again for a month. All Might helped him up, "Are you okyay Young Midoriya?" "Yes All Might. Ill be fine. Just need a little rest. See you later." with this Izuku left UA and started to go back home.

A special thanks to @FaridChahine for providing me with some really good ideas I really appreciate it.

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