Chapter 17 : New Powers And Sports Festival

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As the light faded suddenly Izuku got up in his bed... His breath was ragged as cold sweat ran over his skin. It took him a few minutes to settle down. Once he was a bit calm he started to think about the wierd dream he had. Soon he realized that his dream was too realistic. It was not just a dream. Then again his quirk was the ability to rule over time.. Could it be? It is possible that what he saw was a different timeline. However if that is true.. Then there is a chance he will lose his ability to distinguish between reality and his dreams, he will be lost in timelines not his own. However he shook of the thought and got ready for school. Starting today the school will implement the dorm system.

He dragged his tired body to school as he thought about his dream and prepared for a lomg day of school. When the students all entered they were greeted by an emotionless Aizawa. "Listen up! The battle isnt over yet." he said. The students got scared and started to panick saying stuff like "Oh god! More villains!" Aizawa activated his quirk to calm them all down, "Not villains. Rather the UA Sports Festival." Iida being the stuck up idiot he is asked him, "But sir is it safe? After all the villains attacked USJ.. Couldnt they also attack during the Sports Festival." Izuku looked at him as though he was stupid, "Listen Iida. The villains arent that stupid. Do you realize how many pro heroes will be there during the event? Still think the villains will attack?" Iida realizing that he was being stupid sat down. "Listen up kids. You'll be given a total of a week to train and develop your special moves. Once you do that you'll be taking another step towards becoming a pro. And listen up. This event is a huge thing aa during the event pro heroes will be watching you guys and you will stand a chance at getting one of their attention and interning with them. So train hard."

With that all the students went home with different ideas for special moves. However Izuku's mind was running at a speed different from others. He went over to one of the faux cities to train after taking permission from Aizawa. He started to think what could he do as his special move. Then he remembered that he could revert time on all inanimate objects in a large area. "Hmm. I'll name it Turn Null." However he knew that would not be enough. He had multiple abilities. But he lacked the ability to defend himself properly. With this thought he started thinking what he could do to create an impenetrable defense. Suddenly an idea came to him. What if he folded space around himself to create a barrier and wrap it in a time bubble so that not only can nothing reach him but while moving through the space time will accelerate on it resulting in it being disintegrated completely. He started to attempt bringing this idea of his to life. After almost an entire hour he finally managed it. It wasnt very stable and he  would need time to perfect the thing. So with that he called it a day and went to bed to rest.

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