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I was stressed the fuck out. To make a very long story short, I couldn't afford to keep my mom in the facility she was in and now I had to get her from New York.

I had to figure out what to do. At this point, I was just going to move her into Gigis room.

I was in my twenties with a non traditional job and an internship that hadn't started yet, I couldn't financially support two people all on my own.

I couldn't ever catch a break. I felt like I had been dealing with this shit in middle school and I had no choice but to figure it out.

Bey could help me and I knew that but I didn't want to depend on her. I couldn't ask her for help this time. She's already paying half my rent, I didn't want her to pay for everything in my life.

At a certain point, I'll just be another daughter to her and I didn't want that.

But the whole situation was stressing me out to the point that I didn't even want to talk to Bey. She would've noticed something was off and tried to talk to me, but I couldn't.

My mind was just all over the place and I was also trying to make some money, having her stay with me would be my last resort because I honestly didn't want to do that.

She called me at least once every day but I just preferred to text. The timing of it all was terrible because Bey got clingy after I put some pussy on her.

The bitch was acting like she couldn't breathe without me and I would love it any other time.

A couple days after everything happened, Bey called me and I really wanted to answer but I just got done crying and knew she would be able to tell.

The weird thing was Gigi called me immediately after. I answered because it was strange that they called be back to back and I wanted to know what was going on. "Hello?"

"Bitch, come get your girl. Where have you been?"


"My siblings are with my dad and she's been in the house way too much. I can't even sneak anybody in because she's always in the damn house."

"Wait, what? Who are you trying to sneak in your house?" I'm basically her only friend.

She giggled and there was a moment of silence. "A friend."

"Oh, bye. Im not dumb, who is she?"


My eyebrow raised. "He?"

"Yeah, remember how I was talking about how I didn't know if I liked guys or not? I definitely do now. Me and this guy have been talking for a while and he's really cool."

"...And you can't meet him in a public place? Why does the nigga have to go to your house and be alone with you?"

I don't mean to be overprotective but Gigi doesn't have the best track record when it comes to men and I think she should be safer.

"We already have but we can't do everything in public, girl. I know him, you don't have to be worried."

"So you're going to fuck him? How- Gigi, are you even ready for that?" I know her so I know she's not.

"I never said I was going to fuck him but even if I did, I kind of am ready for it. Just trust me, it's going to be okay. I just need you to do something for me."

"I'm not saying yes but what is it?" I probably won't do it.

"I just need you to get my mom out of the house for a couple hours. I'll give you money to take her out somewhere nice or do a movie."

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