The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 36

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Carlisle led Aro to the new home the Cullens inhabited just outside the town of Leavenworth, the Volturi master following behind the good doctor in his own car. Aro didn't know what to think. How was he going to ask Carlisle for help, when Aro didn't even know what he wanted. He had rarely been at a loss for words, but things had never been so dire before now.

Once the two men had sped up the stairs to the front entrance that led into the living room, Carlisle was greeted by his wife Esme. She smiled at Aro, hoping to show the Volturi master some sympathy, considering his situation. She knew of the friendship between her husband and Aro from centuries ago, and of course there was her friendship with Charlotte. She was quite upset when she had heard of their separation, yet understood the reason why.

"Welcome to our home, Aro." She stood next to Carlisle, her arm around his waist while he had his arm draped over her shoulder. The two were the epitome of mutual contentment. Although Aro was happy for his old friend, his own heart felt empty without Charlotte at his side.

"Thank you, Esme. Carlisle is fortunate in his choice of wife and family." He scanned the room, nodding his approval. "This home is as nice as the other." Aro didn't envy the Cullens having to move every few years or so, preferring having a permanent home. At least, he used to have a permanent home.

Heavy foot steps came thundering down the stairs leading from the upper level. "The Volturi don't even want him anymore, Carlisle. He's been banished from Volterra. Off limits to the whole damn city."


"Sorry, but this is Aro the Mighty. Or Aro the Fallen, I should say."

"EMMETT!" Carlisle gave his son a harsh look. "Aro is our guest, so please act accordingly."

"I suppose in some way I deserve that, my friend." Aro couldn't feel anger with the younger vampire, the same one who had surprisingly become friends with his executioner, Felix. It only showed how little influence he would have, unless he could change things.

"Come with me, Aro. I'll show you to a room you may use while you're here." Carlisle led the older vampire up the stairs to the bedroom level, entering the last door on the left.

After the two men had gone upstairs, Esme gave Emmett a dressing down. She knew, of all her children, he was the most outspoken, never afraid to say what was on his mind, often in a playful way. But it didn't make him any less annoying at times. "Emmett, that was very rude. Aro has been in our home before, so be kind. He's lost everything..."

"Including Charlotte, who doesn't want him either. After what he's done, the way he came after us over Renesmee, his entire attitude about the supremacy of the Volturi...well, I just can't help it, Esme. But for your sake, I'm sorry."

Esme smiled up at Emmett and gave him a hug. "Now behave yourself."

Meanwhile, Aro was questioning Carlisle about Charlotte. "She did not ask about me at all?"

"No, I'm sorry, Aro. She only briefly mentioned your trial and punishment. She seemed more concerned about the coven alliance, and asked for my help in making sure it was still viable." Carlisle saw something in Aro's eyes he hadn't seen in a very very long time. Regret. Common sense told Carlisle that no one was to blame for his present circumstances except Aro. "Is there anything I can get you? You don't look too well, my friend."

"It's just been a while since I've fed. I'm fine, truly."

"I've leave you to your own devices for now. If you prefer, I have blood bags I keep in my office for emergencies."

"Thank you, Carlisle, perhaps later."

The good doctor left Aro's room, shutting the door quietly behind him. He wondered what Aro would have done had he taken his hand. Thankfully, he never asked that of Carlisle. The secret was still safe.

The Blood inside you is the Blood inside meजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें