The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 12

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**Alert for Vampire sex**

Charlotte knocked quietly on Marcus's door. When the door opened, she smiled at seeing her savior's welcoming face. Hugging him tightly, Charlotte said, "It's so good to see you again, Uncle Marcus."

"Come in, child. I've been wanting to speak with you, now that you are finally one of us. How are you feeling this morning?"

Charlotte flopped down on the stuffed couch, sighing. "What am I supposed to be doing, Marcus? Everyone, well, almost everyone, has welcomed me to the family," she said, air quoting the word 'family', "but I have nothing to do. I worked in advertising back home. Not an executive yet, but I had my own office. That meant I got to meet with the big wigs a lot of the time." She sat back into the cushioning. "I'm afraid Aro will never let me, as his mate, do or be anything useful."

"What do you want to do, child?" Marcus sat beside his young ward, patting her hand, knowing she would be useful, but not in the immediate future.

"For one thing, I need to take foreign language lessons. Italian, of course, and German, Spanish, and French, to start. Maybe later Russian, Chinese and Japanese. I learn things easily. And god knows I have the time."

"I will see what we can do to satisfy your thirst for knowledge, my dear."

"You intimate that I'll have a purpose, just not when and what it will involve," Charlotte reminded Marcus. "I just want to stay busy when Aro is not available. So what do I do? He said go shopping, buy stuff." She huffed. "What am I, a 'Real wife of Volterra'?

"I only see the relationships as they're forming, not what they bring about. Be what you are, Charlotte. That is what the coven needs. What it will need."

"I have another question, Marcus. Aro told me about vampires that drink only animal blood. I was wondering how that would work, if I chose to go that route." Charlotte leaned into his side, drawing comfort from his presence.

"Child, you would hurt Aro deeply, if you choose to ignore the heritage of the life he has given you. Don't do that. Give yourself time. The doubts will vanish eventually. Besides, human blood is richer and provides more nutrients. They are nourishment to us, Charlotte." Marcus put his arm around her. "Aro told us that you theorize that we are superior humans, the next step up in the evolutionary line, if you will. Yet we live side by side with humans, unlike species that are replaced by their betters. You can look at them as being lower on the food chain..."

Charlotte huffed in frustration. "No, it's not like that, Marcus! We should be working side by side with humans. Oh, never mind. Aro doesn't give my ideas much credence either. He would rather keep the vampire species hidden away in the dark depths of history, as they have been for thousands of years."

Marcus smiled indulgently at Charlotte. "I understand your Utopian world view, my dear, but it is not the Volturi way."

"That's what everyone keeps telling me. The Volturi way. Ok, that aside, what about these vegetarians, as Aro calls them. Where are they? Are there many of them? Do they ever visit here?" Charlotte threw out the questions faster than Marcus could answer.

Marcus suppressed his grin. Her curiosity would drive them all insane, Caius had warned them recently. 'Questions, questions, always questions. She never stops!,' he had said, more amused than annoyed. "Very well, child, but do not tell Aro I mentioned anything to you. If he reads you..."

"It'll be too late by then! What will he do to me, spank me? Now tell me, Marcus." She kicked off her shoes and got comfortable next to the older vampire.

"There are groups scattered all over the world. Many in America," he mentioned, knowing she was an American, and from California.

"Really? Where? You've met them personally?" Marcus saw the light of interest in Charlotte's eyes.

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