The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 8

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Written in three one-day increments leading up to Charlotte's change.

Day Three prior to the change

Charlotte was being allowed a bit more freedom than she had been given prior to the announcement. The Volturi seemed to trust her more, but in fact, it was Aro who had placed his trust in Charlotte. There were some vampires who questioned Aro's judgment, in secret if not to his face.

Malia showed Charlotte how to get around areas of the compound by drawing up a map, indicating to her where she could safely go, and where to stay away from, on pain of death, as she put it. Charlotte's vampire friend had been missing for days, but when she finally turned up, Charlotte gave her a big hug. "Where have you been, Malia? I missed you!" The two women sat crossed legged on the bed, holding hands. Charlotte needed a female friend desperately, and so far, only Malia had volunteered for the position.

"I was so happy to hear you've accepted Master Aro's gift. Now you will be with us always."

Charlotte smiled. "To be with him, I have little choice. But I do love him, Malia."

Her friend squeezed her hands, knowing it was not easy for the mortal to give up her humanity. How could it be. Had it been for any of them?

Charlotte rose from the bed to open the balcony doors, letting in the cool late-morning air, then asked Malia to move to the settee.

The two sat, the couch in Charlotte's new room covered in purple velveteen. She thought the room looked a bit more opulent than her previous quarters. Her status was obviously being recognized by the coven, if the décor was any indication. Between her relationship with Aro, and her friendships with Marcus and Caius, who would ever speak out against her. Surely none dared. It didn't mean others couldn't make their feelings known, like Jane and her painful threat against Charlotte.

"I was sent on an assignment by Master Aro," Malia mentioned. "I only just returned last night. I heard about your..."

"Blunder? Yes, I guess vampires are gossips as well. It seems everyone knows." She took her friend's hand. "Oh, Malia, it was awful. But my reaction was worse. Fortunately, Aro has a forgiving nature."

Malia glanced at Charlotte, hating to differ from her mortal friend's assessment of Master Aro. There was no need to tell her that her soon-to-be mate had a side hidden from no one who ever defied him in any way. She had seen it, even if it had never been directed at her. She hoped his love for Charlotte would forever spare her friend from exposure to that darker side.

"Charlie, you are the only human here, aside from the secretary of the week." She put her hand over her mouth to stifle her laughter.

"Malia, they're humans!" Charlotte chastised her friend, feeling horrified at her disregard.

"I'm sorry, but they wanted to be vampires. That's why they come here to work, hoping they will be accepted into the coven by the Volturi masters. Master Aro is very picky, and rarely finds any of them suitable. He must care for you a lot, Charlie, to overlook your human failings." She decided to refrain from mentioning the secretaries anymore to avoid offending Charlotte. But she was stuck on the words 'human failings'.

"What do you mean by that, Malia?" Charlotte asked, her right eyebrow raised in annoyance. A knock on the door interrupted any answer Malia might have given. She jumped up from the settee and went to the door. It was another member of the Guard, who handed her a message, then left. Malia brought the envelope over to Charlotte, who opened it. "It's from Uncle Marcus. Apparently, Aro is out for the day, and Marcus is asking if I would like to keep him company." She laughed. "He knows it's I who needs the company."

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