The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 27

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The castle was abuzz with activity, when it was usually quiet after years of repetitive routine, almost boringly so. There was a crackle of energy in the air, as everyone went about fulfilling their new orders.

Charlotte assisted Marcus in compiling a list of covens around the world. They contacted Carlisle and asked him to check with his friends. They had already been warned by Carlisle to prepare defenses for their self-protection, as he had done for his family. Only the most trusted covens were included in Carlisle's planning, so as not to alert any vampires possibly responsible for the attacks. Alice provided Charlotte with a list of vegetarians, explaining that many of these animal drinking covens hated the Volturi. There weren't many, but she added them to the map as well.

Charlotte wondered why so many of these divergent vampires, and others, hated her coven when all they were doing was enforcing the law. She had no knowledge of the full history of Aro's search for those gifted with extraordinary powers, and the things he had done to acquire them. Aro had decided a while ago such knowledge was not necessary.

Excusing herself after giving Marcus a hug, Charlotte went to look for Caius. She found him working alone in his office, and asked him if he needed any help. Each of the Volturi masters had their own assigned office and often times, they would meet in one or the other, or skip them entirely to meet in one of the throne rooms.

Charlotte stood with her hands on her hips, looking over what appeared to be old scrolls lying scattered around the room, some on the couch, others on the floor, and one on his desk being perused by crimson eyes. "This place is a mess." Leaning over the top of his desk, she asked, "What are you looking at, brother?"

Caius glanced up at Charlotte from whatever it was he was studying so hard. "These detail battle strategies and fighting tactics of Alexander and Genghis."

"Alexander the Great and Genghis Khan? You hate humans so much, Caius, yet follow their lives and careers, even admiring their fighting skills?"

"I never said they didn't possess the ability to be prolific killers. I thought to pull as many such battle plans from the library as possible, in case the castle is stormed."

"Do you honestly think someone would dare storm our compound while we sit here in the middle of the city? That would be bold of them." Charlotte had the idea that this former warrior standing before her was not thinking "modern" enough. "So far, they've taken out isolated covens. These vampires kill in a way we've never seen before. Not that I have much experience about killing our kind, being the baby here. You were in Turkey, and at the site, Caius. What did it look like to you?"

"Aro read nothing helpful from Eymen. His coven had no known enemies, no conflicts with others. They may have been nothing more than an example to be made, but by whom and for whom?"

Charlotte latched onto the theory. "An example. To us perhaps? We are the enforcers of the law. What if there were a coven that no longer wanted to obey the laws. Wouldn't they want to demonstrate to us this new weaponry at their disposal?"

"If they are looking to take the place of the Volturi, they might be daring us to make a move. Aro does not frighten easily, so such a ploy would be a wasted effort, unless they mean to use that weaponry against us," Caius stated, glaring into empty space.

"We have some of the most powerful vampires at our disposal, Caius. Who would dare stand up to us."

The blonde vampire grinned. "Listen to you, sister. I do believe you finally see yourself as one of us."

"Thanks, Caius." She kissed his cheek and headed for the office door. "Look, you keep planning a defense, just in case. I'm going to find Aro, and tell him about our theory. I hate to think this all revolves around the Volturi, but if it does, we'd better be ready. I'll see you later, brother." She exhaled loudly, and shaking her head, left Caius to his scrolls.

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