The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 11

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**warning for vampire violence and sex**

The scent in the air was almost intoxicating to Charlotte. The source was close and she headed straight for it. Aro grabbed her from behind, his arms tight around her waist. "Aro, let me..."

"Not yet, cara. You will scare them away. Once they have been gathered here in this room, you may drink your fill."

"This way, everyone." Heidi brought in a group of people carrying tote bags, cell phones and digital cameras, their eyes scanning the room in curiosity. "Stay close," she cautioned, as she led them in, before indicating to Felix and Demetri to close and lock the doors.

Charlotte licked her lips, the thirst already taking control of her.

Before the group of tourists could run, the vampires descended on them. Aro let Charlotte go, watching his mate when she fell upon a older woman. Grabbing the woman by the neck, Charlotte twisted her head awkwardly, before attacking her throat with sharp edged teeth. She spit out a lump of flesh and proceeded to drink the blood gushing into her mouth. It was both salty and sweet, and only served to increase her thirst.

Aro smiled at his mate. He knew the first time was always memorable, and he wanted Charlotte to enjoy this time of her newborn existence. Seeing a young man, right in the prime of life, trying to hide behind a pillar, Aro gave the frightened youth a dark smile, the tip of his tongue showing as he moved toward his prey. Grabbing the boy by the arm he pulled him closer. Aro ran his hand over the boy's head, as if petting him. Fear tainted the blood with adrenaline, giving it a nasty taste. Aro was a purist when it came to his meals.

Once the boy relaxed, Aro pulled his head aside by the hair, then locked his teeth on the young throat. He sucked the warm fluid until it began flowing easily into his mouth, the rush instant. Once he knew the boy was dead, he found another young human, this time a female. She screamed right in Aro's ear, annoying the ancient vampire, who took her suddenly and harshly. Her blood was not as sweet, but it served its purpose. Aro tossed her empty body to the side.

He spied his mate enjoying her second human, drinking deeply of the red fluid pouring from the gash she had made in his neck.

Drinking until the blood began to ebb, she heard the man's heartbeat, once strong and steady, begin to slow, until it stopped beating entirely. She let the body fall to the floor. Aro was instantly at her side, the body of one of the other tourists in his arms. "Drink, my dear. As a newborn, you will need more."

Charlotte locked her mouth on the hole Aro had made when he fed, and drank until the human was dead.

The mated pair watched as all around them, the Volturi fed. Aro gazed at his beautiful mate, and kissed her, licking at the residual blood on her mouth. Charlotte reached up to wipe blood off his lips, before licking her fingers, her eyes never moving from his.

Charlotte slipped her arms around Aro's body. She felt stronger than she'd ever felt in her life.

"Are you sated, my heart? Have you had enough?" Aro asked with concern.

She laughed. "I'm fine, Aro. I drank two!"

"Two and a half," he corrected, teasing her.

"You were so romantic to share with me, love." Now that her immediate need had been filled, Charlotte wanted Aro to satisfy her other need.

They left the rest of the humans behind to be drained and disposed of.

When they reached their chambers, Charlotte said to Aro, "I want to shower the human off me, Aro. I'll be just a few minutes." She gave him a kiss, then turned to walk into the bathroom, removing the bloodied dress as she went. "I see why you like to wear black," she called out to Aro. "This would have ruined my blue gown."

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