The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 18

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Charlotte had to stifle her laughter when Alice used a typical distraction technique to keep the two guards from losing their cool demeanor. The rest of the ride was in silence, but as soon as they reached the city itself, the two women became excited again. Felix had found a garage to park the car, and all four vampires left for the upper level that led to the shopping area Charlotte had found on the Internet. She wondered if they appeared at all odd to the typical Roman, what with both she and Alice wearing sunglasses, hats and gloves, and on a sunny day. Alice stood out wearing a bright pink shirt jacket, and navy slacks, with Charlotte's blue sweater breaking up the black of her outfit. But with the two guards following them, all dressed in black and wearing dark glasses, if shoppers thought them people of importance, well, so be it.

"Felix, Demetri, just keep an eye on things, and be sure to watch yourselves," Charlotte instructed them.

Two pretty Italian women were watching Felix and Demetri, giggling behind their hands. Charlotte knew vampires exuded an attractive scent that drew humans to them. The fact the guards looked hot didn't help.

"Demetri, stop smiling at them. They're following us as it is," Charlotte hissed. "You two are going to get us all in trouble."

"Charlie, we're here to protect you both..."

"...and carry our bags?" Alice suppressed her smile.

Felix glared at the Cullen woman. "How often do we get out into the normal world of humans? Besides, we're not doing anything. They are."

"Stop encouraging them!" Charlotte said, glaring harder at the taller guard member.

Demetri objected. "It's not our fault. It's the allure."

Charlotte looked at Alice. "Then why aren't Alice and I being followed by handsome human males? Alright, you two may speak with them, but that is all. I mean it!"

The two guards smiled, and sauntering over to the Italian women, started making small talk with them.

"Let's get to shopping," Alice said, heading into the nearest store, steering Charlotte to a selection of dresses and jeans. "The shirts are over there. Charlie, look at those leather bags!"

Charlotte gave Felix and Demetri one more glower of warning, then followed Alice who was grabbing items, looking them over and putting back to pick up something else.

"How many bags can one woman use, Alice? Stop encouraging me!" She laughed as they browsed aisle after aisle, leaving the guards out of physical range, but she knew they were still able to see and hear them even this far away.

Charlotte picked up two leather handbags, one a neutral caramel, the other a bright teal.

"Only two? If it's money..."

"It's not about money, Alice. I still have a human sense of frugality, something Aro has already chastised me about. He would say nothing if I bought out this entire store. And get that look off your face, missy," she said when she saw Alice's face light up. "I have enough. Look at all these packages poor Felix and Demetri will have to carry." Charlotte couldn't help but laugh when the two guards heard her over the distance and glared at her. "Stop that. I'm kidding. We'll help. And Alice, you have that small jet to take you home. Will everything you bought even fit inside?"

"When will I get another chance like this?" she said happily.

Eight stores and almost 75,000 euros later, the two women had finished. Charlotte looked around for the two guards, and saw them approaching, trying not to speed run as was their instinct.

"And where have you two been?" Charlotte demanded. She sniffed the air. "Oh god, what did you do? Let's get back to the garage, now! And help us with these bags." The heavy scent of blood surrounding Felix and Demetri was apparent to both Charlotte and Alice.

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