The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 13

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Aro had insisted Charlotte go into the village and buy anything she wanted. Clothing, shoes, jewelry. It felt odd to her, because she had always had to work hard for her money. Now Charlotte had it, as much as she wanted. Spending it would not be easy. It wasn't hers, yet it was. She asked Malia to join her, with Felix tagging along more as a body guard than an advisor on fashion. He was reluctant, but knew it was at Master Aro's order.

Who knows, he thought, maybe it would be nice to get out of the compound for a while. And Charlotte was not like the masters. She was more relaxed, treating the Guard as friends. Some of them anyway. He had noticed Jane's complete disregard of Charlotte and her standing in the coven. It wasn't wise of Jane to cross Master Aro, even if her position was a strong one.

The day was cloudy, with possible rain later in the afternoon. A car was brought around to the back door to pick up the small party. All three of the Volturi were wearing long sleeves and sunglasses, with Malia chattering excitedly, so much so, Charlotte felt like she was back home with one her girlfriends. Life had been so simple then. Work days, with weekends off. Then movies, lunch or supper out with friends, and yes, shopping trips like this. Stop thinking about the past and concentrate on the future, Charlotte thought.

Once the car had dropped the trio off in town, Charlotte led her bodyguards on a merry chase for clothing. She still had the pretty things she was given in the beginning, at Aro's orders. Later, Malia had been responsible for getting items made by the seamstresses hired by the coven. Now it was time for Charlotte to do the choosing herself. And nothing in black.

"Are there ever any events that require fancy dresses?" Charlotte was taking one gown after another off a wall rack, perusing each one before putting them back.

"Sometimes, the Volturi's business partners are invited for parties at the compound. It placates them by showing the Volturi as being influential in the international business world. Not that it isn't true. But spreading money around doesn't hurt," Felix explained. "It's probably one of the very few times humans are safe at the compound."

"Do they know that..."

"No! There are only a few privy to that knowledge. They live under the constant threat of death if they reveal anything. So yes, Charlie, you will be needing at least a few gowns. But anything else you need...oh, look. You should purchase a few scarves and hats, for daytime outings. Maybe a couple more pairs of sunglasses and gloves," Malia suggested, searching through some items lying on a counter.

Charlotte let Malia point her in the right direction for everything. Clothing of the finest material. Handbags made of leather, not pleather. When she visited a jewelry store, she gasped seeing all the beautiful pieces. She mostly wanted earrings, so chose a set of diamond studs, and a few dangling pairs set with sapphires and rubies, hoping Aro wouldn't mind. She also spotted a watch she liked. Her other had been destroyed in the accident, but she never felt another one was necessary, so didn't bother asking for one. "I do believe this is more than enough, Malia. Besides, poor Felix is bored." She smiled at the Guard, who stood straight, his eyes scanning everyone and everything.

"He's is not very discreet, is he? He looks very much like the Secret Service." She laughed when Malia gave her a quizzical look. "America's president's body guards back home. Oh well, I've been distracted enough, but now the scents are becoming a bit much. We should get back before I drink someone."

When the car arrived to pick them up, Felix and Malia grabbed some of the packages Charlotte had been carrying and gave them to the driver. Malia smiled, remembering the first months of her change. She was actually surprised at the self-control Charlotte was exhibiting now. It was unheard of for a newborn to be able to wander among humans so easily and not create a scene.

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