The Blood inside you is the Blood inside me Part 21

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While Aro was off tending to business, Charlotte decided to check her email, and found one from Alice. She eagerly opened it, reading something she'd been waiting to see. The Cullens were accepting Aro's invitation to come to Volterra and stay at the Volturi compound.

Hello, Charlie, good news. Carlisle said we can travel to Volterra. We just need to know what would be a good arrival date, so speak with Aro and let me know. Not everyone will be going. It will be Carlisle, me, Jasper, and Emmett. Rosalie decided she had no interest in Volterra, although I believe it's more the Volturi she's not interested in. Esme said she would stay behind with Rosalie. Neither Edward nor Bella will be going, since the last time they were there, well, not the best experience for them. But we look forward to seeing it as welcome guests, as I'm sure you understand. The Cullens and the Volturi are not exactly the best of friends, but we will be, Charlie. I've seen it, fingers crossed nothing gets in the way of that vision. Awaiting your reply. - Alice

Charlotte sat back. Aro would have to be told, of course. Smiling, she wrote back to Alice.

Hello, Alice, this is wonderful news. I can't wait to speak to Aro about it. Will get back to you ASAP. I'm sorry Esme and Rosalie can't make it this time, but there will be other opportunities in the future. I hope anyway. And tell Emmett Felix will be waiting for a re-match. Later! - Charlie


Charlotte was spending more time with Felix and Demetri to hone her one-on-one fighting skills. She made good use of her self-defense training, but spent much of her time picking herself up off the ground. Truth be told, the two guards had more experience than she did. After awhile, she managed to improve enough to, at times, trick the guards into letting down their mental defenses, making them vulnerable to a surprise attack. But in the end, Charlotte never could touch Felix. He was just too big and too strong.

Aro knew something about Charlotte taking fight lessons, but he had not yet bothered to ask her about it. He heard laughter coming from the training room, and paused to look through the doorway. Aro watched in silence as his mate somersaulted over Demetri until she was standing behind the shorter of the two guards. She threw herself into his body, taking down the fair haired vampire. Demetri then stood across the room, while Charlotte watched him. Suddenly, she cartwheeled several times toward the guard, before flipping over, extending her legs mid-air, and hitting Demetri hard in the chest with her feet. The guard fell onto his back, Charlotte straddling him, her hands on his arms ready to pull.

A smile graced Aro's flawless face, his expression one of delight in his mate's abilities. Charlotte moved like a cat, with such physical dexterity and agility in her movements, he was simply in awe of her.

"You win, Charlotte. Great job!" Demetri said, a smile on his face. He balanced himself on his elbows, looking up at Charlotte. She reached down to him, helping him up off the floor, returning his smile with one of her own.

"You taught me the moves, Demetri. You're an excellent teacher." Next, Charlotte turned to face Felix.

"Felix, now!" Charlotte called out, the tall guard running for her as she cartwheeled twice then did two flips. By the time he reached her, Charlotte leaped upward, then fell on his shoulders, her hands around his chin, ready to twist. Felix reached up and grabbed her by her arms, pulling her forward to land on her back and at his feet. She sat up on the floor, her dignity only somewhat bruised. He held out his hand to help her up off the floor.

"One of these days, I will come up with a way to take you down, you big tree," Charlotte teased.

"Aww, don't feel bad, Charlie. We've all been taken down by Felix one time or other," Demetri said. "It's the main reason he's so valuable to the Guard."

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