Breif moments of solidarity. [7]

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It was going great, everything was fine, until I had to pee.

That seemed to be the straw that broke the camel's back for life, they just couldn't let me unload in peace.

And the thing is that it happened so quickly. Why did that have to be this time that Russia wanted to kill me. What's up with my luck this time around.

I sigh to myself as confusion washed over me. Getting up, I looked around before stepping outside to the actual garden that was just a few feet away from me.

Apparently it rained again while I was being killed, and probably during the assembly. But that's whatever, the rain's not on my mind quite as much as anything else.

I look around for a bench of some kind in the garden. Unlike the other gardens here, this one was made for plants, herbs, vegetables, and overall the practice of planting. This was the gardening club's domain, and it does look quite nice. I myself don't have much of a green thumb, but I enjoy it.

I sighed out deeply and stared at nothing. This usually helps me disassociate.

I have no idea what the hell happened back there, it seems Neko was just as confused. There hadn't been a reset, yet it seemed that Russia had forgotten. And I know that it wasn't a dream, because of the pains I got in my chest. Neko was also just as confused.

Whatever the case was, I'm sure that Neko-Mii's working on it.

I felt a twinge of disappointment when remembering how I died in the first place. What a way to go out, Russia grabbed hold of me right before I could use the bathroom, It's quite embarrassing.

I looked up at the dreary sky and frowned, this was only getting more and more confusing by the day. And if I just settled down here and got killed, imagine how many times I'd be attacked in the coming days.

There were footsteps up ahead, I shot my head to the source and saw Philippines walking towards me with a giddy expression. I can feel a drop in my gut as he walks closer, and my throat feels dryer.

Why, why does he have to be here right about now? My luck is seriously down. Philippines just had to come and talk with me. As far as I know, I'm going to be attacked after this.

He quickly sat down next to me, and looked around awkwardly with a flushed face. I felt my eyes roll and looked off in the distance.

I hear him clear his throat and start tapping his foot with what I guess is impatience to which I sigh at.

I take out a cigarette pack and offer Philippines one, before snatching it back in realization. I chuckle dryly and light my cigarette. I can feel his stare on me and straighten my posture.

God, this is why I usually hang out with Mexico and Taiwan. They actually remember their past, and I don't feel bad about offering them things like cigarettes or alcohol. But I suppose I shouldn't be dwelling in my annoyances with younger countries, it's hardly worth my time.

Philippines scoffed lightly, before commenting on my smoking. "Those kinds of things kill people you know."
He said in a concerned tone of voice. I just chuckled and gazed at him and smirked. "Thank god we're not human then." Philippines cocked his head to the side in confusion to my response. "What's.. a human? You mean like the tanned skinned people we see in books and art and such?"

My face turned smug to shocked at the lack of knowledge he harbored. It was like meeting people in North Korea all over again. Although it is for the better that all these young countries aren't shown politics and what's been happening in the world right now for their own safety and not to warp their beliefs.

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