Introductions [1]

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The wall from the gates to the campus felt deathly long to USA, the thought of dying again stumped his need to be early. It was inevitable, but USA couldn't help but wonder for ways out of death.

There weren't any students coming to school yet, so USA was alone. Even though that was the case, USA felt like he was being watched. He entered the huge building with wariness.

After about five minutes of walking through the empty building, USA stopped and looked around to admire the outside. The grass and garden was well taken care of overall, and very lush. USA walked a few steps and took in the crisp cold air of a winter morning that was turning spring, and he felt himself relax and sigh.

USA strided into the empty garden and peered around to see if anyone was there. Once he knew that no one could see him, USA plopped himself on the fountain's smooth surface and rested his hands on his thighs. He then gazed around at the greenery and smiled. "I enjoy when  this place is empty, when there are less crowds and less people attempting to talk with me. It's so... loud when I'm crowded with a bunch of countries, especially when they'll act like reporters when seeing the figure they were talking about, oh hey I can relate to that exact thing."

USA mumbled to himself while staring at the chirping birds flying from tree to tree chasing each other,  USA felt another smile tug at his lips and chuckled a bit at the obviously young and immature pigeons.

USA looked around for any other entertainment in the garden, and then he noticed a pregnant cat with a dark reddish coat. She was sleeping on the far side of the fountain. He felt an urge to caress her as soon as he laid eyes on her, but knew that the cat probably wouldn't appreciate it much. USA gazed at the sleeping cat with appreciation and slight envy. "You get to rest a lot huh, Lucky." He mumbled to himself. What he wouldn't give to be a cat for one day. That thought made USA sigh with disappointment.

It took ten more minutes until the cat woke up, and then USA quickly noticed and looked at her with big eyes filled with hope. The cat stayed still for a few moments while they were locking eyes, and then immediately sat herself on his lap. USA held back a squeal and put his hands on the fountain so he would not pet her. The cat happily meowed at him and rested her head on top of him. USA felt a giddy feeling in his gut as he slowly lifted his hands as a request to pet her, and the cat realized this and continued laying there as a way of recognizing his request.

 USA felt a giddy feeling in his gut as he slowly lifted his hands as a request to pet her, and the cat realized this and continued laying there as a way of recognizing his request

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USA happily started petting her, and the pregnant cat purred to the touch and continued sleeping. The petting continued and USA started feeling drowsy. The moment was calm and felt nice to USA. It was just him and a cat enjoying some much needed time together before USA's hectic schedule. USA gazed down at the cat with calmness in his expression. Who knew that something as simple as petting could make a person relax so much? It's good to know that USA felt much more aware and flexible now.yIt seemed that the little things didn't matter as much to USA now and the cat alike.

Both the cat and USA heard a few voices in the distance, so USA checked his phone and saw that it was around the time that everyone came to school. He groaned audibly and patted the cats back, and she quickly got up and pounced off somewhere else, not before purring up against his leg though. USA felt a twinge of luck arise in him and smiled proudly. He then put his phone back in his pocket and, like the cat, got up and left.

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