They say it gets better. [Prolouge]

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[1943, outskirts of Moscow]

"You have quite the son Soviet, he's very sweet."
USSR chuckled at USA's description of his son, USA gazed at him with confusion lacing his face, USSR smiled down at Russia. "Well, he must like you then, he's a brat to everyone else, even me." USA's face turned shocked at the words. "Woah really? He seems so sweet and well behaved, I suppose I'm special." USA said sweetly, USSR laughed and rested his hand on USA's shoulder. "I think you're right Union."


[2023, international forest]

USA dashed through the trees that made up the forest, his steps were lazy and slow, for him at least. Russia himself had a hard time even spotting him, knife in hand, Russia quickened his pace in an attempt to grab USA.

USA looked past him and saw Russia trailing behind, in a quick movement and a shallow sigh, USA purposefully tripped himself and made himself comfortable on the wet grass.
Russia quickly caught up with him and with a confused, slightly offended expression and hesitation, Russia pounced on him.

The pain USA felt on impact was almost none, from all the other times he's faced this exact situation, he felt numb to it at this point, whatever stinging that was meant to be there is gone.

The knife plunged into USA's heart, the squelch sound it made had both males cringing, Russia moved it around USA's chest to enhance the pain, USA was falling in and out of consciousness, soon blacking out, before USA could however, he said something particularly odd. "And here I thought I could avoid it.." he spoke in a raspy voice, Russia's face scrunched in confusion as to what he was talking about, he quickly disregarded it and took the knife out of USA's dead body and throwing it off somewhere, Russia picked up USA's corpse bridal style and left the bloody scene.


USA woke up with a groan and a immense pain in his chest, he already know why he had it and dug himself deeper in the sheets on his bed, USA grunted something unintelligible and quickly rolled out of bed and on the hard wood of the floor. USA peered up at the alarm clock on his nightstand and sighed, in a swift action, USA squatted up and shuffled to the bathroom on the side of his room to get ready.

After a brief shower and a intricate skincare routine, USA stepped out in a deep blue long sleeved shirt, black jeans, dark grey sneakers, a few non matching wristbands, and his signature sunglasses resting atop his eyes, USA quickly grabbed a hair band and pulled his long hair into a loose high ponytail.

USA picked up his backpack and strode out of the bedroom door, he walked down the marble stairs and to the kitchen, the whole house felt empty as USA peered at the limited options for food, after three whole minutes of just starring at the open fr...

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USA picked up his backpack and strode out of the bedroom door, he walked down the marble stairs and to the kitchen, the whole house felt empty as USA peered at the limited options for food, after three whole minutes of just starring at the open fridge, he picked out a frozen toaster strudel, once closing the door, USA was met with a tired looking Canada studying him, their eyes met and Canada grunted in acknowledgement.

USA walked away while eating his frozen toaster strudel, he peered at the outfit Canada was wearing and sighed in disappointment and muttered to himself. "Maybe I'm just old, but I don't think wearing a porn hub sweatshirt is appropriate for school.." he grumbled to himself and opened the door to the house, Canada quickly chased after him and followed USA out of the door.

The two dwelled in idle chitchat while walking to the school they went to, it was mainly Canada talking about how much he loved Philippines to which USA tuned out, he gazed around carefully for anyone following them, USA saw Germany in the distance and smiled to himself slightly before abandoning Canada and speed walking to his friend.

In almost an instant, USA slipped on a cheery mask and harshly pat Germany on the back smiling. "Hey Germs what ya up to?" Germany smiled down at USA and continued walking, USA following him in turn. "Uh- well I've been doing good, Phil said hi to me today!" USA groaned out loud and surprised Germany, he laid his head on Germany's shoulder and held onto his arm loosely. "Oh come on Germyyyy, let's talk about anything else besides Philippines, he's getting borrriingggg." He said in a whiny tone, Germany clicked his tongue and sighed deeply, looking down at USA with a shallow frown. "I don't see how you think Phil is boring, he's honestly so perfect."

USA continued snuggling into Germany who seemed to be fine with it, the two got into a light banter and Canada caught up with them, he stared at the two with confusion and slight protectiveness, he quickly separated both of them and dragged USA to the side of him, USA snickered to himself and looked around in boredom, Canada and Germany started chatting about how much they love Philippines, USA grumbled in irritation and ran off in an attempt to get away from it. He soon came across the huge school, his neutral face turned tired as he stood at the gates for a moment, USA sighed and walked through.

"This time I'll find a way."


884 words

Holy shit here we go again

I'm genuinely upset that I have to restart this whole fanfic but it's whatever, at least I get to improve my earlier chapters, which are now gone for fucking ever.

I'm going to try and get a chapter out every few days until chapter 9, unlike in other instances, I know what to write because I wrote it, I'm just redoing it better

I can finally redo the mess that was chapter 8!!! WHOOPEE
I should have chapter one out tomorrow!

I also am republishing my oneshot book, it's more short stories but whatever lol, check it out!

I also have my new cover I've been working on ready, bittersweet lol



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