Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Ring

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"Your ring is beautiful."

Eileen's head nodded up at Sage's words. "Oh, this?" She held out her hand, smiling. "It's my wedding ring. Peter has a nearly identical one."

Eileen Keynote's ring was a ring as old as time, and would grow even older. It was square and completely gold, with a purple diamond in the middle.

"Peter's diamond is yellow," she continued. "Like Light and Dark."

"It's so pretty," Ethan smiled. And oddly familiar, but he left it at that.

Meadow's eyes widened, taking in everything her mother had to say. She looked and sounded just like herself, and it was everything she'd ever wanted. "It's the perfect symbolism. I'd want a ring like that."

Eileen smiled softly. "When you're finding true love, it doesn't matter what Element your love has. At least, not to you." Her smile nearly fell. "I face scrutiny every day. For marrying Peter, for adopting a Dark Element into a mixed family—people think Cole would grow up confused—and for trying to conceive. But they don't know my family like I do."

Robin tried to sympathize as well as they could. "You're a great mom. You won't regret bringing your baby into this world." A small look to Meadow, who was smiling at both of them.

"What Elements belong to you?" Eileen asked, chipper and curious.

"Oh, most of us are Light." Ethan replied. "Me, Sage, and Robin."

Meadow didn't know how to respond. Should she even tell her? It didn't matter, because she already heard the words coming out of her mouth. "I'm a Celestial." FUCK.

Eileen's mouth trembled, like she was trying to keep it from hanging wide open. "Oh, my, that's amazing! I've never met a Celestial before! Do you keep it a secret?"

"Uh... sorta?" No. Not at all. But in this point of her life, she didn't have to. The kingdom she ruled was aware that she was, but in the past, before she was even born, a deceased danger stood over her in the form of a dark-haired man. "I only like to tell people I trust."

"Oh, then I'm flattered!" Eileen giggled. "Your family must be so proud."

"...Yeah. They are." Meadow could feel herself leaning back on Sage.

"Oh, Meadow," Robin looked out the window, "it's getting late. We should, uh, head back. Home."

"Damn, you're right," Meadow stood up. "Uh, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Keynote."

"Please, call me Eileen." She stood up, hugging Meadow. "And please, come back tomorrow!"

Therapists would call this denial or an unhealthy coping mechanism. Meadow called it healing, a type she could only do herself. She returned the hug, knowing her friends were probably thinking what she was. This feeling can't last forever.

But she could make it so. Meadow can make it last forever if she only wanted.

Still, she pulled away.

"We will." A bright smile spanned her face.

"Goodbye!" Eileen called, as the children filed out of the house. But she stopped Meadow before she left. "Meadow?"

It still felt weird to hear her name. "Yeah?"

"...God, this is going to sound so strange!" She laughed. "But I feel connected to you somehow. Like an old friend."

She nodded quickly. "I do too! I think that's why I came, honestly."

"You have to meet Rose. She's amazing, my best friend in the world!"

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