Chapter Nine: No Roots

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Harry rushed up the stairs of the palace, bursting into Meridian's office.

"Gah!" She jumped in her seat. "Harry, what is it?! I'm busy!"

"Meridian," he exhaled, "Meadow Keynote is here."

The room quieted as Meridian untensed. "Good. Very good. Keep it that way." But she was still hesitant, her words laced with an edge too sharp to unfold.

"...Meridian?" Harry stepped forward, noticing a file on her desk. "What is that?"

Meridian stuttered, before giving in and closing the file as she sighed. "Information about the Dark Elements' experiment."

"Oh." Harry didn't exactly want to read it. "Will you tell me what it says?"

Meridian removed her glasses. "Experiment 193 is the most powerful soul in the universe. And what do we know about powerful Elements in this world?"

"Very little, in my experience." Harry folded his hands behind his back. "You have to have many years of training, and coming across a prodigy, like Meadow Keynote or the mage from the prophecy, or Elix Stonewing—"

"I speak not of prodigies." Meridian raised her hand. "A natural, Harry. Someone who is born powerful. Of either Light or Dark."

"Well, that's a different story. They'd have to be—" Harry stopped himself, barely turning his head to show a skeptical yet surprised reaction to Meridian. "You're not trying to insinuate...?"

"I'm not insinuating. I know." She slapped the file shut. "We have a major problem on our hands, Harry. You cannot fight or kill Experiment 193. The prophecy states that it cannot die, and it would kill you first anyway."

"But that's impossible. There hasn't been one here since 10,000 years ago."

"Yes, I know! But lots of things are changing because of this goddamn prophecy!" Meridian slammed her fist on her desk, breaking a glasspoint pen that she wasn't using anyway. "I don't know if he found a way to make it one, or if it was born that way, but Experiment 193 is a Celestial."

The statement had Harry's breath on hold. "...This changes everything."

Meridian nodded, before snapping back to him. "I want to meet her myself. Our greatest adversary is on the move, and Meadow is nothing I cannot at least face."

"Yes, ma'am." Harry gave a short bow. "I'll need a moment."

"Take your time. No rush. I can wait another 10,000 years."


"I like standing still, but that's just a wishful plan. Ask me where I come from, I'll say a different land, but I've got memories that travel like gypsies in the night..."

Meadow spun a ball of light on her finger, flapping it away into dust at a single noise.

She was sitting on the concrete floor of a cell in the palace dungeon, right as rain and calm as the deepest night, like nothing's gone wrong, simply singing to herself to pass the time.

No one had told her in years, but she had the most beautiful voice.

"I count gates and numbers, then play a guessing game. It's just the place that changes, the rest is still the same..."

She was still cold. Of course, of all things, a jacket wouldn't work on her.

"...but I've got memories that travel like gypsies in the night."

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