Chapter Twelve: They Both Die At The End

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The palace was quiet.

Barely an echo could be heard throughout the halls, and all the guards were mysteriously gone.

Perfect for Sage and Ethan, who needed to enter undetected. Ethan, remaining calm, followed Sage inside. The princess, the natural-born leader, was fucking raging.

"Where the fuck are they?" Even in her anger, Sage still remained at a whisper.

"Can we chill out and find Meadow? She has to be around here somewhere." Ethan tiptoed around the tile.

"I am not leaving here without seeing Meridian." Sage's eyes darted up the stairs, that towered over them like a great mountain.

"Neither am I," Ethan pulled her eyes away, "but we absolutely need a plan."

"That Harry guy." Sage turned around, pacing, unable to keep her temper in check. "Where is he?! Are we doing this or not?"

"Maybe the Light Emblem can show us where Meadow is!" Ethan snapped his fingers. "Go, go, go!"

"Maybe." They held it up, looking directly at its gem. "Um, fucking- thing. Are we hot or cold."

".....are you joking?"

"Does it look like I am joking?"

"Alright, fine."

Sage held it up higher. "Tell Meadow to, uh, say Polo or—dude just find her."

"You're talking to an inanimate object and you're surprised at its lack of response."

"I'm not fucking around, you dumbass necklace!"

"Oh, for fuck's sake."

Sage sighed, letting go of the necklace, looking around at the immaculate entryway. "Where do you think they'd keep her?"

Ethan flapped his arms up. "Probably in a dungeon."

"Yeah. Where would that be?"

"............. Down."

"Fuck you, smartass." Sage scoffed.

"If you're looking for Meadow, you won't find her." Harry walked into the entryway, standing ominously in front of the staircase. "She's out of here. Has been."

"Out? Since when—?" Ethan was relieved that Meadow had escaped, but Sage was already interrupting him.

"Harry. Pleasure to see you." They sarcastically replied, growling.

"Sage Stonewing." Harry smiled. "You're quite the charmer today. Why so glum?"

"You know exactly why, you salt-licking son of a—"

"SAGE." Ethan shot at her, and sighed. I present to you, the mediator of the situation. "Where's Meadow?"

"She disappeared with her brother. But they're both nowhere to be found. Completely off the grid."

"Her brother." Sage whispered to themselves.

"She left a casualty behind her, as well." Harry solemnly stated, hands folded behind his back. "Surprisingly, even when dying, she and her brother are just as powerful."

"She's... dying?" The question from Ethan was quiet, and directed more at Sage.

The statement rattled Sage too. They inhaled, and took hold of a powerful voice. "What casualty?"

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